I have the Error Code 3001 on V2 & V3 cameras. I also have skips in the video that happens both on the 12-second clips and on the SD card video. The skips seem to happen a few seconds after an event trigger.
Does anyone else also get the skips? I’m curious if they’re related to the error.
Everyone is having the same problem. This has been going on for some time. And Wyze is VERY aware of the issue. Apparently they are unable to cure the problem. Or just don’t care about it as they continue to come out with new products. All I can say is BUYER BEWARE!
SOLVED! (at least for me)
My issue was that event triggers would cause the video to skip forward and 90% of the time result in ERROR (Code 3001). The skips were on the 12-second video and the SD card video. This happened on V2 and V3 cameras. I upgraded my WiFi router and increased internet speed without a change. It happened on my old phone & new phone plus my tablet so it wasn’t device related. None of the Wyze troubleshooting steps worked.
Late last night I looked on the app for anything that might help. I turned on “Enable Hardware Decoder” under Account / App Settings. I have not had a video skip or Error since I did this.
This setting tells the camera to let your device (phone or tablet) decode the video rather than the camera.
I consistently get 3001s on my V2s. Sometimes the video will play for a few seconds before I get the error. Of course, “replay” doesn’t work unless you exit the event. Hitting the download button also generates an error.
Hardware Decoding is turned on. Rebooting my camera hasn’t solved this. In the past, I used to just take a screenshot of the error and sent it off to Wyze to deal with but recently I noticed that Wyze doesn’t have access to my photos directory. Since I can’t download an error to my Wyze album, this makes it very inconvenient so I then have to move them over. IDEALLY, when an error occurs, I should be presented with the option to send an error report for that device. Having to go to another area of the app to do this is just extra steps.
I’ve been through the cycle several times over the last several weeks now, enough to confirm this:
Only my V2 cam is affected. The v3 cam is not.
When the Error 3001 occurs in viewing the online event recording, it is about 3-4 seconds in, right after the video recording suddenly skips forward by close to a second. This skip is also in the locally-recorded video from the microSD card, although it doesn’t cause any error when played from there. The skip occurs one time at the start of the recording, and does not recur in the rest of the recording (including the full recording on microSD).
When this error starts to appear, it increases rapidly in frequency until it occurs in pretty much 100% of event recordings.
If I unplug and re-plug the camera power to do a reset, the error is fixed for several days: no more skip, no more error 3001 for a while. Then it starts to creep back…
I conclude from this that the Error 3001 represents a genuine glitch in the event video uploaded from the cam to the cloud, and the Wyze programmers are simply too lazy to categorize the error and just throw it in the “unknown” bin.
The error started appearing for me a couple of months ago in a v2 cam that’s been in place for years with no change on my end other that Wyze firmware updates. I think therefore it is definitely caused by a change that Wyze made in the v2 firmware, and previous reports of Error 3001 from earlier times are not connected to this problem, but just due to Wyze throwing other recording format error into the same bin.
I suspect that something builds up the cam memory as long as it remains active, causing a momentary hitch in video recording of events that results in the error. Possibly a memory leak or an ever-growing buffer or list that consumes memory and causes the cam to need to shuffle memory shortly after starting an event recording, causing a momentary skip and a video recording format error that the cloud server fails to handle correctly.
Possible could be fixed by reverting to older firmware. Anyone know how to do that?
Yes, that’s it all right. After doing a power off/on reboot of the v2 cam, there’s initially no hitch in the event recordings for the first dozen or so events. Then I can see a small hitch starting to occur, less than half a second, always at the same point a few seconds into the event recording. No Error 3001 initially. Another dozen recordings and the hitch is longer, Error 3001 starting to occur. Another few events and the hitch has grown to a second long or so, and Error 3001 occurs on every event recording. That stinks of a memory leak.
And BTW Wyze programmers, let me give you a bit of advice. Way back in my first formal programming class in university, when I thought I was pretty good already, I beat my instructor’s challenge to create a program shorter than his to accomplish the same goal, for which I won a bonus grade. Which the instructor then canceled out with a penalty because my error messages were code numbers instead of explicit error descriptions. He told me that was lazy and unprofessional coding. And that was back in the days when it was critical to save a few kilobytes of program size for embedded microprocessors.
It’s also the V1 that’s affected. All my cameras are useless for playback. Do we know if this is a firmware issue or service issue? Can we flash an earlier firmware on it?
Code 3001 on pretty much all of my playbacks. I restart and the next day it happens again. This has been ongoing for months. No help trying to submit “developers log” I think it’s time to trash these and go with a real company.
You shouldn’t have to submit anything. This has been going on for months. Wyze is aware of the problem. Apparently unable to correct it. I see 3001 error on V1, V2, and Cam Pan. There is one person out here that will try to tell you it’s your network. But this problem started for many at the same time. Hard to imagine so many people having network trouble at the same time. I am able to play any event that shows 3001 from my memory card with out a problem. That tells me the problem is where the events are shored. And that end of it belongs to Wyze.
Same recurring pattern continues: after a power-off/on reset, everything is fine for a few days. Then I start seeing a brief glitch in the event video recording a few seconds in. The glitch slowly gets worse over several days. Then the Error 3001 starts appearing at the point of the glitch. Power-off/on reset, everything fine again for a few days. (V2 cam only, V3 cam is not affected)
There’s little doubt that this is a memory leak in the Wyze firmware. The question is, will they ever fix it?
This is not something the developers are ignoring. This is intentional. Everyone running older cams having issues but anyone with v3 isnt??? Hmmm… means that they are trying to push everyone to upgrade which also means having to subscribe to cam plus to see your videos. I stood behind this company for so long, Got friends and family hooked but it’s all a sham. They are just another garbage tech company looking for profits over everything. Stop pleading with them to fix things and simply switch to someone who won’t deliberately nickel and dime you. If that company even exists.
I don’t know how I missed this thread months ago. I finally submitted a ticket a 4/12/23 and it has been a nightmare trying to get responses. The last response asked me to factory reset my cam pan which I did and had the same 3001 error this morning.
If this goes nowhere, I plan to file a complaint with the BBB.
I did respond to them:
I have just found that this is a known issue going way back to October 2022 Error (code 3001) - Cameras - Wyze Forum. I hope this can be resolved and it is not a scam trying to get people to upgrade their cams as suggested by other customers in the Wyze forum.
I wonder if it would be possible to analyze the traffic when these uploads are performed, extracting the “good” upload from the “bad” and seeing if the video is sent corrupted. I’m going to assume it’s sent encrypted so that might be a challenge but I bet if one were to reverse-engineer the firmware, the clue will be in that code. At the very least, if one could get access to those logs I bet that would be enough to figure out what might be the issue.
Of course, I don’t think it’s the public responsibility to track these issues down but sometimes discovering the issue for the company helps facilitate a response.
I’m actually a certified network analyst but out of the field for a while. I’ll fire up Wireshark later and have a look. Agreed, it is not something the community should need to do but it might be worth a look.
I will capture the following to begin with:
Event recording
Submit log after recording event and play event looking for code 3001. I have not had an event that did not error out on my pan cams but can try a v3 or v2 to see correct behavior.
All of this of course is dependent on what is readable but the frames during failure or record failure might be all that is needed if there is a response of some sort.
I would really suggest that you not waste your time going down that path, for the following reasons:
The Wyze cam protocol is complex, and others have tried to decode it unsuccessfully trying to provide independent support for Wyze cams. A casual effort likely won’t suffice to get anywhere.
The video glitch/skip that apparently triggers the Error 3001 in the event playback is clearly there in the video recorded locally to microSD card as well. It just doesn’t result in an error message on local playback. Since the error is there in the video being recorded locally, it is likely that the transmission to Wyze and the cloud event recording on the Wyze server end is not introducing the error - it’s just reporting the error already present in the video stream. Therefore examining the transmission will tell you nothing new.
You could examine the video file that is recorded locally on the microSD card, since that contains the same error. That might tell you something. But I would bet that all it tells you is that there was a skip in time where video was not being recorded due to the processor being busy or hung up on something else. It’s the skip that causes the error message when it gets too long and the video frame is corrupted as a result.
Look at the pattern: recording starts out fine after a reboot. Gradually over a few dozen recordings a skip starts to occur and gets longer and longer until it triggers an Error 3001 in the cloud event recording. The error message is intermittent at first, but quickly becomes present on every event recording. Until you reboot the cam, when it goes away again.
What would explain that? Easy: a memory leak where the processor gets hung up longer and longer swapping memory, or a list of some sort growing longer and longer that takes more and more time to process. Cleared by a reboot. I would bet money on it. That makes the cause a programming error. Only Wyze can fix it.
I just looked at my playback for a clip that throws the 3001 and I can view it just fine. After a reboot, I still get the error regardless of when it was restarted or even fatory reset.
I decided to just file a complaint with the BBB this morning. I do not feel I nor anyone else should be forced to buy all new cameras after owning them for 5, maybe less years. Mine are Cam Pan’s and V2’s 5 years old and all experiencing the same issue while my other 3 models are working fine.
I have seen the same. I included this thread along with 2 others that are on Wyze Forums in my BBB complaint. Not sure if it will help or if perhaps one day soon, all of my Wyze devices stop working LOL.