Ended - Wyze Cam Floodlight Pro AMA - 5/31/2023

Note, I have posted a copy of the answers from this AMA up above at the top of this thread in Post 2 for easy reference:

Also, here is a reminder of an effective way to quote/reference things in a table in case you want to share just a selection of it with others:

First I select the part that says “Question & Reply” at the top of the table and select “Quote” so it shows up like this:

[quote="carverofchoice, post:3, topic:268289"]
| --- | --- |

Then I go find the text I actually want to quote and copy and paste it just above that double “||” line, (making sure there is a “|” mark before the Question, between the Question and the Answer, and one after the Answer, so it would look like this:

[quote="carverofchoice, post:3, topic:268289"]
| --- | --- |
|Question Text | Answer Text |

And then will show up like this:

Or you can just ignore the question, and select the answer text and click quote. That might be easiest for most people to be honest. Then just paraphrase or give context about what the question or subject is that they were answering before posting the quote.