Enabling Detection Zone disables Event Recording and notifications

Anyone else notice this? If I enable Detection Zone… even if I size the detection box to be full area of camera view, it stops recording all motion events and notifications? This is with Cam Pan and firmware…

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It may take some time for an event to occur but I’ll test this on one of my pans and get back.

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That was faster than I expected. I enabled event recording on motion then set detection zone on, set it to about 90%of my screen, left motion tagging on. It did record several events.
Let me know if I missed something in my test. If so I can redo it. (Same FW)

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Thanks much for checking yours for me @tomp! Still not sure whats going on with mine. Motion detection needs a lot of work… feel like they should scrap the whole code base and start over…

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There has been a lot of discussion on the pans, pro and con. My experience with them has been mixed, but I’ve always felt they had huge potential. I have a lot of devices running on my wifi and most of my pan problems either went away or lessened greatly when I gave up trying to make my ISP combo wifi/router work and went to a mesh system. That’s just a comment for your general info- not saying your problem is wifi related.
You might try a Factory Reset on your cam to see if that helps. I assume you had tried force closing and restarting the app itself.
Are you using an Sd card and if so are you getting any recording to it?

When I first got the camera from Amazon a few weeks ago I tested it out without updating the firmware (it came with a version that was from Sept. I think). Motion detection didn’t work at all (not even green boxes). Then I updated to the current firmware, still no motion detection. Then someone here recommend going to an old firmware from a few months ago I think. That worked and I started getting motion detection and events and such. But then after a few days it stopped working again. Then I updated up to the current firmware and it started working again, except Detection Zone is flaky. UPDATE: it seems like it is less sensitive with Detection Zone enabled. I start getting motion events if i put the sensitivity about 20 higher than what triggers without Detection Zone enabled (this is with the zone box taking the whole image too)

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I have an SD card and it is set to “record events only”… I guess its recording to it… I can see the video when I hit the “View Playback” button… assuming thats not coming from the cloud?

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Correct- the view playback button is to view what is on your SD card.
Events from the cloud would be under the event tab. If you have Complete Motion Capture that also is cloud based.
Just to clarify some terminology so we are on the same page, the green boxes are motion tagging, for marking where the cam sees the motion. It can detect and record and send notifications without tagging being on. Motion tracking is, as it sounds, when the Pan physically follows the motion across its range of motion. My understanding is that the size of the detection zone only determines where motion is detected and triggers an event, and the sensitivity setting effects only that zone.
I’m going to tag in some more people who might be able to help - my fellow @Mavens. You get more eyes on the problem this way.


@tomp This may be related to the Cam Pans issue that Wyze is currently working on.


Great- that’s what it was hoping for when I tagged. Many thanks!
@Thork - hope the above info from @StopICU33 helps and at least gives some peace of mind!


You’re welcome :+1:

Thanks @tomp for the help much appreciated! If there is some kind of configuration file that sometimes fails to download during an update, that could explain the randomness of the issue.

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Glad we could all be of help. Keep us posted!

Thank you for being upfront and transparent about this


I was having a lot of trouble with one of my V2 cams that came from amazon. Motion detection was not triggering and SD recording was not working. I found this thread and it fixed me right up.


Sounds like you got a cam with an older firmware on it, which is normal due to the process of updates and retail inventory management. But usually in the install process or on first access the cam will prompt you to update to the newest FW.
Glad you got updated and fixed your problem!

Right, These were issues I had after updating to current firmware in the initial setup. Following the instructions in that thread did the trick. I’ve seen a few other threads referencing round about issues that are similar so hopefully it’s something that can solve some of the problems. This forum is super informative and helpful and the Wyze cams are a great tool.

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