Doorbell V2 Chimes and Alexa

Hello, I have a V2 doorbell with a mechanical chime.
Despite following the Wyze instructions, I’m unable to change the chime sound on the doorbell.
But more importantly, I am unable to get it setup so that I get any notifications upon ringing the doorbell.
It does notify me upon motion.
I want to setup my Alexa Show so I can see who is ringing my doorbell.
Anyone help?

What change in sound are you expecting? If you have a typical mechanical chime, then you should be hearing only the traditional ding-dong! sound with a properly installed and configured Video Doorbell v2.

Are you talking about push notifications to the phone or about announcements on Echo devices?

I didn’t see this earlier (current) topic, but I see that you posted much of the same thing elsewhere, and I already responded to that one.