Doesn't always capture someone at the door

why? It seems to be hit and miss…

Could be a lot of reasons, but we will need more info in order to try to help. What device are you referring to, Cam or motion sensor, are you on Android or IOS. If a cam, which one and what are your settings for detection and notification
A description of the door area scenario with lighting info, time of day, etc. -anything like that would help. What is occurring when it succeeds and when it fails.


Yes, can you give more info? Maybe upload a sample view, or something you think was a miss? You are new, so we may need to get some moderators involved to allow you to upload. We need to understand your situation to make a guess.


also would help to know if you have the cam plus subscription or not.

Visual aids! The group likes photos or videos showing what’s up or what’s not. Helps more than trying to explain something.

Edit/ last sentence should say "Helps more than just trying to explain something. An explanation of things along with the visual aids is best of course :slight_smile: "

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I’ll take a stab at this. Assuming your using the Wyze Cam Outdoor (WCO) the problem might be the way that the PIR (passive inferred) works.

WCO detects movement by heat. Furthermore if you walk from the top of the image to the bottom of the image in a strait line it has a harder time detecting you than if you walk across the field of view. This is imply how PIR works.

If I’m correct assuming its a WCO that we are talking about, you might want to try putting it in a slightly different position. anything that makes the target move more laterally across the field of view would help.

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I agree… and I have a BIG walkway and it only gets if someone is at the door… and it doesn’t always pick up. like Amazon dropped off, no it didn’t pick up

Sorry, I just saw these responses. I am really frustrated
It is the Wyze Cam Outdoor. It sits above my front door. I have a long walkway but it only sees motion right by my door. I HOPE it is user error on my part but I can’t figure out how to get it to see motion as people are walking up.

AND still sometimes it captures movement, and sometimes it doesn’t

I thought about moving it from over my front door to the side wall before my front door. Thank you shifty189 for taking a stab at it :slight_smile:

You know how it asks submit this video to help research. I say YES 90% of the time.

when I try to upload the image, it says… Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.

Sorry, new users can not upload attachments. it won’t let me upload


I have made it so you can upload


I want to see the person as they are walking down my walkway. not when they get to the door.

it only catches someone at the door and it doesn’t always catch someone. I want to see them walking up the walkway

Is your camera mounted upside up ? or upside down ?
This looks to be a quick tough angle for the camera. Is it possible for you to mount the camera a bit lower, so that it sees more of the hallway ?

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If you tell me it is upside down, i’ll be so happy knowing it is user error

This is upside up. I would suggest maybe try to lower the mounting position it a bit. The current angel would be someone walking straight to the camera ( straight up is harder to detect than across in general for PIR ). May be mount it so that it sit right on top of the door frame ? This will let the camera see farther into the hallway vs down to the hallway.
BTW, looks like the lens film is not removed.


it probably isn’t removed… Ok I will move it down. Thank you so much !