Does Wyze Plug support 220V? (power specifications)

Hello, will the plug support 220V ?

@Simobou No it does not:

Can’t wait for a 240v AU plug to be available!

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The bulb was marked 110-120v only but had the electronics to support 220v-240v and it worked for me. I’m wondering if it is the same for the plugs :thinking:

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No, the plugs are rated as follows:

Electrical Input
100-120 VAC, 60Hz 15A

Electrical Output
15A Max

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Does these work with an ac window unit?

The plug supports 15 amps at 120V. If your AC unit is less than 15 amps, it should work. Check the label on the unit.

One other consideration… motor driven devices draw more current than their static rating when the start up, so that could be an issue. I don’t know if the Wyze plug supports a short term startup over-draw.

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Thanks for the feedback

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