Does Stretch Reminder work for anyone?

I have a Watch 47 with Samsung s22. I finally got all the notifications to work properly but not the Stretch Reminder. I’ve rebooted the watch and removed/added the watch to my list of devices on the Wyze app. But still doesn’t work. I’ve tried changing the start time to a point in the future (like an hour) still no reminders. Anyone else with a Samsung have this problem?

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I am on the same FW as you. Using a Samsung S22. Up to date FW and Android OS.

I have my Stretch Reminder set for 9a to 4p. The only reminder I received was at a random time around 2:40p.

The reminder acts so erratically that I can’t seem to put my finger on a reason for it.

This frustrates me as I thought that feature was cool.

What can I do to trouble shoot?

It doesn’t seem like anyone on the forum is complaining about it.

Yeah that makes sense. This is my first smartwatch and for the price, I’m not unhappy.

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New to this watch (won’t call it smart) and did get the reminder once over 5 last week. I agree, probably need to be near motionless for it to trigger. I type, get on the phone and do standard desk things while working. That’s apparently to much. :⁠-⁠\

This post piqued my interest because it’s been my experience that if I set Stretch Reminder to be on with a Start Time of 07:00 and End Time of 00:00, I never receive any movement reminder. If I change End Time to 23:59, then it works.

I think this is a bug, but I haven’t yet taken the time to report it (and I do get the Fix-It Friday reminders). It seems to have a problem with the on/off settings spanning midnight.

I get reminders from my watch-47mm while doing “standard desk things”. Maybe my use of a Dvorak layout doesn’t allow for enough movement of my left wrist. :wink:

I also get movement reminders while driving long distance, so at least it’s working (as long as I have the End Time set in the way the watch seems to like).

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