Disappointment with Wyze

I just wanted to express my extreme disappointment with the free Cam Plus trial , which I was not actually able to try at all for none of my many cams.

I´m a Wyze user since July/August and got many products for my family and I (2 bands, motion and contact sensors, 5 or 6 V2 cams and 1 Pan cam); I live in Argentina, where the COVID quarantine lasted about 8 months, and now that we can finally get out of our homes and travel without any restrictions (and therefore try and get the benefit of the service) I notice the Cam Plus trial is not available anymore… for NONE of our cams .

I was holding this trial for this moment, and now it’s gone. Why? Why did the trial disappear? This was in fact one of the top reasons why I first decided to buy these cams and I guess I’ve read it was going to be available for the whole 2020.

Well, that´s all I wanted to share with you. I was considering buying other Wyze products (scale, V3 and extra sensors) but now I´m too disappointed to trust you again.

PS: decided to contact support (via the web page and via email) but got no feedback at all. That is why I tried this way.

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This forum is primarily a user to user community. I know you mentioned that you already tried to contact Wyze Support. If you don’t get an email response in several days, please post your ticket number here and we’ll see if we can get Wyze to look at it.

However, you should be aware that, due to import/export and infrastructure issues, Wyze products are not officially supported outside of the U.S. If you are able, you may want to try calling Wyze at (206) 339-9646 Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT or use the online chat function when it’s available to get an immediate response from Support.

Because even though you thought you were postponing the trial it started without your permission the first time you saw the dialog box for it.
This is a flaw in the software that, to my knowlegde, has not been addressed by Wyze.

A post was merged into an existing topic: CAM V3 shipment delayed?

Thank you for your reply.

The trial and the service itself are both available in Argentina. The reason could be the one mentioned by one of the users above: the trial began automatically once I’d installed the cams, although I did not accept it at that time. I find this tricky, unfair and unacceptable.

I do not have a ticket number because no support answered my request, even though I wrote explaining the situation to support@wyze.com (“not monitored”) and the chat in many ocassions (just a robot answering, not a real customer support). By any chance, do you have mail address for contacting Wyze customer support?

Thank you in advance!

