Is there any way to disable the constant prompt to sign up for the cloud service? I get these prompts on my Android Pixel phone multiple times per week. I thought I had the necessary notifications off, but, I guess I don’t.
Within the app, no you will see them from time to time. You can totally disable them outside of the app (android notification ones).
To eliminate some of the in app ones and ALL of the android notifications, do this:
Go into the app
Account → Notification Settings
Under In app notifications, turn that off
Under push notifications, at the very bottom turn off news & updates
Under text notifications make sure that is off, pretty sure it defaults to off
Then in android settings, go to the wyze app notifications and turn off “General”.
In reality the last part is probably all you need but better to disable as much as you can.
Assuming you’re running a recent android version, you can long press any notification you get and it will take you to the notification settings for that app and flash the one that caused that notification a couple times (so in this case it would flash “general”). Handy feature to use for many annoying notifications. Even if you’ve dismissed the notification, you can find it again in notification history and do the same thing there.
Thanks…I’ll try your suggestions.