Different Alert Sound for Wyze Notifications

@MillBilltheWise, not sure which post\who you were replying to above, but since you have Android I will assume it was either me or @towelkingdom for our MacroDroid posts or @regnatarajan for BuzzKill.

I don’t use BuzzKill, so I will only refer to MacroDroid although I believe they are quite similar in their capabilities.

Yes. Both. MacroDroid watches all incoming notification channels. It watches them for specific words within the specific notification channels that you program.

Your Android OS can change the notification tone for the “WyzeMessage” channel. But this is for ALL Wyze notifications. You can leave this tone on if you like or set it to none. Beyond being able to set one tone for all Wyze notifications like your OS, MacroDroid has the additional ability to add a special tone for every individual device and every type of notification. I tell MacroDroid to watch notifications for key words and play a tone if they present.

For example, here are 3 of my many cams:

Watch for “Front Cam” then play “Triangle Ding” AND watch for “Person” then play “Whistle”, or “Vehicle” then play “Car Horn”, or “Package” then play “Jingle”, or “Pet” then play “Cat Meow”.

Watch for “Doorbell” then play “Ding Dong” AND (same as above for all Smart AI Detections).

Watch for “Back Door” then play “Buzzer” AND (same as above for all Smart AI Detections).

When a person walks in front of my Doorbell I will hear 3 consecutive tones: (1) my OS set Wyze Notification Tone, (2) “Ding Dong” telling me it is the doorbell, and (3) “Whistle” telling me it is a person.

If I hear Wyze tone, Buzzer, Cat Meow; I know that there is an animal at the back door.

Wyze Tone, Triangle Bell, Car Horn = someone just pulled into the driveway.

This is not limited to cams. Every one of my Wyze devices capable of sending a push notification (sensors, thermostat, HMS, etc.) has its own tone. Every type of notification (Alert, Alarm, Sound, Automation, Open, Close, High, Low, On, Off, etc.) also has its own tone.

As it applies to Wyze, MacroDroid can play a special tone for: (1) App, (2) Device, (3) Notification Type. You can program it to just about any combination you can imagine for as many tones as you can download based on the text of the push notification sent.

To kick this up two notches, MacroDroid can be used on any app you have and can automate just about any function on your Android. What I have described is only about 1% of what MacroDroid can do.

And, for those who may think this is an advertisement, it isn’t. I paid for the full version because it is just that darn good. Best $5 I ever spent on any app!


Yes. :point_up: