Detection Settings: How do I stop flying insects and birds from triggering events?

My Cam Pan v3 gets triggered a lot at night by small birds and flying insects. I have a nearby porch light on at night and I am sure it attracts the insects. Is there a way to refine the settings on this camera so I don’t these false and worthless detections and events?

Best solution is to turn off the IR illumination on the camera and provide illumination (either visible light or InfraRed) away from the camera so the insects are attracted to the light and not the camera.

If you have pan/scan or track motion on, unfortunately the detection zone seems to not do anything, so you can’t exclude areas where there are commonly bugs. You can adjust the sensitivity though, but I’ve found that doesn’t help much if the bugs are close to the camera. If you don’t have those enabled, try using the detection zone and sensitivity settings to see if you can eliminate some of it.

You can get their subscription and turn on the AI detection for only people/pets/packages or whatever which will significantly reduce those bug and bird false positives. Aside from that, moving the camera and not using the built in IR lights are probably your only two other options.

There is a feature request to add more rules and one of them is to turn the IR lights on only when motion is detected, which I’m hoping they implement as that will help a lot with the bugs issue on mine.

I was getting the same problem with fly’s in my home and I switched to settings to people and no more “false” alerts by flying bugs.

Yes, obviously requires a subscription to do that though.