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Be VERY SURE you have forwarding taken care of. My daughter’s camera sent from the US to Australia was delivered to the old address AND KEPT by the new tenants. The post office is “sorry” they failed to forward but nothing is being done. I’m sad and angry AND obviously out the investment for her Xmas.
MY Advice…be sure you aren’t moving when in a pre-order status with anyone.
The correct new address is in my Wyze account. This is a major error on wyze not the post office.
This wouldn’t be a wyze issue. You moved and they had your address as the old one. Simply contact support and as long as you have address forwarding done you shouldn’t have any issues
Wyze technical support team is looking into the error. It definitely is a Wyze error and not the post office. Problem has been fixed by wyze. Great customer service.
In my case it was me. The camera came safely to me in Denver…I posted it to my daughter’s address in Australia but the whole process of getting the product was sooooo long she had moved. Not knowing the newest address and the package already in the Covid transport backlog…it went badly.
Bonnie >^…^< ~
You are assuming if you change your address on your account, that the address change is automatically updated on a separate order system.
Think of people that have their products shipped to a different mailing address than their physical address. Shipping items as gifts.
You should have called a month ago and requested the address for the order be updated.