Dark Mode... Version 3.3 and still NOT complete?

Dear Wyze Devs,

Hi, how are you? I wanted to let you know that I see the work you are doing. I appreciate it. Little by little, you are improving. Keep it up.

I would like to know why you stopped your work on Dark Mode throughout the app? You started on version 2.5… continued more in 3.0 a little bit and then nothing??? We are now at version 3.3 with the same eye-melting white screens hiding all over the app. Why?

Dark Mode (as far as I know) is not trying to change the function of the app, it’s simply changing color schemes. It seems to reason that in the last 4 months since you released version 3.0, you could’ve assigned a DEV an assignment to update 1 page per week to Dark Mode. You could’ve updated 16 pages in the app by now! But instead, you’ve changed NO pages and done nothing?

This is confusing to me. I am in I.T. But admittedly, I’m not in App Dev so I have no idea what it takes to modify the UI of an application… but, it seems you did a ton of work real fast and then just stopped working on it.

I’m no marketing genius but I can say that a non-uniform app is a bit of a sign of disorganization to me. Clicking through the app and seeing all kinds of different interfaces and colors is the digital equivalent of Duct Taping it all together IMO.

Maybe I’m not being fair. Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. I certainly don’t know your business or what you are working on. But, I don’t know if there is another app I use (or website) that has this disorganized vibe to it.

I know others will chime in with Landscape mode and some other wish list items to complete first but to me, Dark Mode throughout the app is low-hanging fruit and an easy win.

Help us Dark-Mode Wan, you are our only hope (for not having our eyes burned out at night)!




You are correct, I will chime in with the landscape mode wish. I am not a software developer either but I worked with some helping them with UI/UX design. Software like Scetch, Figma and Adobe XD make both dark, portrait, landscape modes pretty much automatic. The code in lack of better words attaches itself to the design.

I’m just going to reiterate @Earl.Automation 's notion that the app shows very disorganized company.

I would probably add to the Landscape mode wish but I don’t have a tablet at home, in-fact… I’ve never owned a tablet. No good reason why not. Just haven’t.

I sit at my computer so much that I use the Wyze Website if I’m wanting to see multiple cameras in a wide view. My cameras are to watch the cat in the house and the other critters outside the house… also, to be a nib-s**t to my very “eclectic” neighbors.


Tablets are fun.

I have no issue with Landscape. I can live with it.

Total darkmode would be appreciated.


When and if I hold it I don’t have an issue as well, but when it is on a stand or mounted on a wall as some people have, then it becomes an issue.

You think? :grin:

I do. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t care anymore. :no_mouth: (For the moment. :wink: )

:smile: :+1:


Yes, please bring on the rest of dark mode for the app! We’ve been waiting patiently :pleading_face:


Moment passed. I’m in.  :fist:

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