Continuous recording or Motion detect?

The one minute increment files should be recording back to back if it’s set to continuous so there should be no loss of coverage between the files.

yes one min files when you want to record for say 8 hours it will take a long time putting the files to gather to edit them. how many files for 8 hours 60 x 8 = 480 one min files to stack stupid. Try loading that many files in studio good luck i will find a real system that will record 8 hours as one file best of licking selling that one min recording :slight_smile:

If i’ve had to stich multiple hours of files together, i’ve done it a hour at a time. That’s what had work best for me.

There is a huge reason for recording in short files on the camera. If you lose power to the camera, you lose whatever file was recording at that time (longer answer on why if desired). If you were recording an hour (for example) you would lose up to an hour of video.


Well said and if that was the case we would never hear the end of the complaining.

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