Connecting Wyze Sense to Alexa

Update time:
So, some of you have discovered that we unleashed some beta code in production. Problem is Alexa is not too happy about it because they did not get a chance to review it before going live. So in order to limit problems overall, here are a few things that we had to do. See below for the current limitations.
We are finalizing the tests and have to go through certification from Alexa so it’s around the corner and are trying to hit the end of 2019 at the very latest. We might be able to release earlier but no promise.


  • We have removed the discovery of new devices. So if your contact/motion sensor is not showing up in Alexa, it won’t be discovered until we release for good. So if you have the device in Alexa and you delete it, it won’t come back.
  • For all the devices that have already been discovered by Alexa, we are maintaining the behavior so you should be able to use it. Just keep in mind that this is not certified for the moment so use cautiously (ie. Expect that it might be broken at some point).
  • We had a feature for the camera. If you setup a routine for that, please note that we are not sending the corresponding events. In other words, your routine will NOT be called until we go full production with that feature.
    Cameras are creating a high risk situation so we had to kill the feature until we are certified.

As you can see we are working on fulfilling our promise to be more Alexa compliant. I know that feature has been highly requested so I can’t wait to turn the production switch on so you can all enjoy it without restriction.