Confused events

Events page shows a white car at 01:35.36 on the V4 Driveway and then there is the SUV newspaper guy at 01:35.35. on the V3 front window. If I tap on the event with the white car on the V4 I get the video of the SUV? The V3 cam in the front window shows the SUV from different view but it never shows the white car going by. I played back the continuous SD recordings from both the V4 and the V3 from 01:30:00 to 01:40:00 and there is no white car on either one. :astonished:
I think the :raccoon: gang is up to no good. The time stamp on both cams are correct.
This is the video I see if I tap the white car event.

EDIT I found the answer. The white car was actually recorded at 02:20:28, no cloud videos from either cam but it is on both cam SD recordings. It is tagged as Motion @ 1:35.

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