Change WiFi Network Name (SSID) and password without device reset

That’s an interesting point I have overlooked up to now, but you’re right, it makes sense. I had wondered why most IoT brands (not just Wyze) don’t have a simple way to change the Network for Smart devices without going through some kind of set up again. It seemed like something so obvious…all the phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc make it so easy to switch networks, but almost none of my other smart devices make it so convenient. What you just said makes it make so much sense! devices with screens have a built-in UI where we can just click and select a new network, but any other smart device has to basically already be connected to the internet in order to switch to another WiFi, and that isn’t usually an option for most people who just barely switched routers or SSID’s…you’d have to do the switch on them all BEFORE the change takes place. Interesting. I really appreciate you pointing that out, @K6CCC --I had wondered why nearly no IoT company makes it easy to switch networks unless the device has a screen/menu. Now it makes so much sense.

Having said that, Wyze (and other IoT companies), could make it possible for us to select a bunch of devices at once and tell it to switch all of them to a new SSID/Password. That would leave us the following ways of resolving this issue:

  • If switching to a new router, we could leave the old router active while we setup the new one, then once the new router is active, we can tell all devices to switch to the new one instantly, all at once. Awesome solution
  • If changing the SSID/password, then before we make the switch, we set all devices to use the new SSID/PW and they will suddenly all go offline as soon as that setting is changed. Then we change the SSID/PW in the router and as soon as the devices see it, they will come back online. Another easy solution.
  • If we’ve already disabled the old SSID/PW, and have the new one installed and then realize we need all those IoT devices switched over, we can load up a temporary hotspot SSID on our phone/computer to broadcast the old connection for all the devices to use, then give them all the new SSID/PW all at once. Then we can remove that temporary Hotspot and everything will be on the new router/SSID.

All of those options will work. I hope that’s what Wyze is working on setting up (select all the devices we want switched to the new SSID all at once).

Anyway, thanks again for helping me finally realize why basically none of my other IoT companies offer easy WiFi changing. Some of them even make me totally delete a device and set it up from scratch. Very annoying. At least Wyze doesn’t make me delete a device or lose all the settings and rules I have attached to it. I just have to go through simple setup to give it the new SSID…which is still annoying, but not as bad as some of the companies I have devices with make me do. Still, I am excited this is now “In Progress!” I want to be able to change my SSID/Password because there are some people who know it that I would like to prevent from ever accessing it with anything again, but I don’t want to change the settings on over 200 devices, so for now I instead monitor all new connections and just block anything I don’t recognize.

Do you have a Wyze Outdoor cam? If so, change the base wifi. Hint, it’s done in the app.

Yes, I indicated that about all Wyze devices needing to use the app to change WiFi settings, as is the case for basically every smart device from every brand that doesn’t have it’s own screen/menu on the device itself. That is standard.

I have had to change the WiFi for my Base Station a few times, as well as other devices. I hate having to do it and avoid it as much as possible. For the Base station, I now try to just keep it connected with an Ethernet cord so it is easier and doesn’t cause as much signal pollution.

I look forward to Wyze making it easier for us to change the WiFi on devices without having to go through Setup. I hope they will let us select a bunch at a time in the app and update the setting once to make a whole bunch of them update all at the same time.

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Make it easier to edit WiFi on Sprinkler Controller

It is not uncommon to change ISP’s which results in a new WIFI name and password. In the sprinkler controller app, you have to go out and create a NEW device to be able to identify the new WIFI. Most apps make it easy to just edit the wifi.

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Nearly 4 YEARS later and this still hasn’t been addressed. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Ability to switch Wifi Connections within Wyze App without having to remove cam device and adding again

it would be nice if there could be a easier way in the app to change wifi networks on the fly, within app, without having to remove device and then add device again if you want to switch wifi network connections. Especially if you have multiple wifi connection points or routers at your home. Would also be nice if you could use either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz wifi connections.

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Resetting wifi

I can no long climb on a ladder to reset cameras every time I have to change my WiFi password. Like the IPhone, can’t you program the cameras to read our face (AI) to change settings? Hardwired cameras are not an option or I’d go that route.

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Get real. $1,000+ phone with one of the richest companies in the world behind it and a user base of well over a billion users, and that high resolution camera is able to get about a foot from the face to read it (somewhat reliably). Versus a $25 camera from a fairly small company (by comparison) that has a fairly low resolution camera that is going to be many feet away so your face is just a few pixels across. Don’t hold your breath.

It may be a nice idea, but grossly unrealistic…

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Just since I know the numbers for Wyze’s AI Face recognition, thought I’d post them, since it’s relevant…

Wyze’s AI requires a face to cover 300 pixels to maintain a 90% confidence interval. This means a face has to be roughly within 6 feet of a V3 camera. It can actually detect faces a little farther away, but with a reduced confidence interval.

Regardless, I don’t think Facial recognition is needed in any way for changing the SSID. We should just be able to swap it from the app settings, and presumably only someone with the account login could do that, so there is no need for face detection to be involved in the process either way IMO.



Unless they’re talking about fingerprint/facial recognition in the app before being able to make the changes? For instance, in the apple store, I believe they require a facial confirmation/pin before you can purchase something in the app.

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Thanks for the numbers.

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I would even be happy if in the device where it shows the network you are connected to, that there it would allow you to put in the password. It would be much better than getting on the ladder taking your mounting hardware off the camera, reset and then put it all back up again. Maybe in future these cameras are not worth the trouble. Isnt this a small programming function?

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4 years, and I will have to go up a ladder as an old man and have the potential,to fall on my head and they still have not addressed remotely changing the network on the wyze cameras!

Please, get with it.

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at least allow us to remotely put it into pairing mode and allow us to print out a big QR code…

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First a note to those not changing wifi passwords: If you have a strong password, great. If not, change it. I was using a 10 digit number as my password. Tonight I’m now having to update all my wyze devices wifi info due to spotting 2 tv’s on my network that don’t belong there.

While “cracking” a wpa2 password may not be possible (or easy), using a dictionary/bruteforce attack certainly is due to most users not picking secure passwords. My new password should take around 3 hundred septillion years according to one password strength test.

As for this topic:

For me, the issue isn’t having to put devices into setup/pair mode - it is having to delete and re-add the device to the wyze app - and having to re-configure groups, routines/schedules/triggers/ etc.

First to the wyze team: Obviously, with me not knowing all the ins-and-outs of the system, I don’t know how hard this would be to implement - I offer this purely as an hobbyist programmer’s thoughts on the subject and with hope that even if I’m way off base, it may point some one in the right direction.

But what i would attempt to do is two fold:

1 - For when the wifi network has already been reconfigured / device “forgets” it’s network

In Wyze app under Device Settings have a “reset” device. This would put the Wyze app into the “Setup device” or “Add device” mode, it skips all the parts about picking the device type, device version, etc - it should know all of that already. It would also know how it needs to communicate with the device (bluetooth/temp wifi network etc).

User then puts the device into setup/pairing mode.

Wyze app then proceeds to setup the device as normal - allowing the user to configure the wifi settings, while still keeping all the other settings.

As this is basically what appears to happen when you add a new device, it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to implement - you are just providing a way to jump into setup mode and skipping the parts about selecting what the device type is, etc. Should be able to the connect/pair to device spot and move on to wifi selection.

2 - Device(s) are still connected to working wifi

User can select all or one device and choose an option “update wifi”.

Wyze app sends info to the device(s) via internet same way it appears to control the devices - device(s) apply the settings, and proceed to try to connect to the new network over and over.

user then proceeds to reconfigure their network as needed. Once new network goes live, devices connect like normal.

If a device fails to connect, then user can use option 1 above to reset that specific device.

Again, all in-app devices settings are saved.

Sorry for the novel :smiley:

I look forward to see what the team comes up with


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You don’t have to delete devices from the app. Simply put them into setup and affiliate with the new WiFi. All of your schedules, rules, and groups remain as they were before.

Thanks for pointing that out - I went and tested it. But it doesn’t work for all devices.

Smart bulb and Cameras were the only devices we have that I was able to update the wifi settings with out first deleting the device from the app.

Both pre-2021 plugs and current the Wyze app would not connect or even show the device network (for pre-2021 plugs) until that device was deleted from the app.

I don’t have any of the other Wyze devices to know if they need to be deleted or not.


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OMG! We definitely need this, for the sprinkler controller. I do not want to have to go through the full setup of that device just to change connect to a new AP. They can do it on the mesh router. Please update this firmware.


The above information is completely false about your settings being saved. I just tried resetting and adding mine and lost everything. Very disappointed in Wyze for this.

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