Caught a couple of meteors passing overhead last year.
I remounted the camera in between the two recordings to capture more of the sky.
Caught a couple of meteors passing overhead last year.
I remounted the camera in between the two recordings to capture more of the sky.
Nice! I haven’t captured any yet that I know of, but I’d love to.
It’s likely I had some and just didn’t know, though I don’t have any pointed mostly at the sky like this. I did try that once, but got a lot of planes since I live close to an air force base.
I initially set it up to try to capture a time lapse of the moon, but serendipitously caught the first one.
For the second one, a coworker mentioned that a meteor went overhead and provided the date and time, so I checked that camera and sure enough, it was there.
Thanks for sharing. Here are two videos from my Wyze Cam v3s captured on 9/23/2024. The first video is looking south. The second video is looking north at the reflection on my neighbor’s upstairs window. Here is the news report of this meteor.
That was a really bright one.
A couple of years ago there was a bunch of us pointing cameras straight up. I think I captured around 300. They were mostly just streaks in the sky. But a couple were fireballs like yours.
Nice videos by the way!
hi I got a V3 with RTSP firmware since about 2 years ago I use it in b&w mode
with IR LEDs off in order to avoid bugs are reflected by the IR light, the camera increase its sensitivity a lot in B&W I have captured several meteors, satellites, birds, planes and some weird transient events with no movement at all, I can access the SD card by SCP or SSH, I also tested the wz_mini which is an on card firmware that does not modify the internal firmware, it’s a pitty Wyze stopped releasing RTSP firmware a long time ago, I even combined both, the inner wyze rtsp firmware with the wz_mini on card firmware, but I’m having problems with the RTSP stream of wz_mini, a /dev/video0 error, if someone have some clue, the only rtsp stream I successfully tested was wyze’s one, wz_mini add all the other things wyze never released as sftp and ssh access to the camera, hope someday to have time to write or use some meteor detection software with the videos downloaded from the cam in an automated fashion… someday… it’s a pitty wz_mini not available for cam v4 which have much better stars definition.