Yes my neighbor was more than delighted to see the video the day after. He was very distraugt from the accident (not that he was physically involved) but from the statements written in the police report. I will say both neighbors seen in the video have a language barrier as well… so that only multiplied that effect/stress.
Per our advice he did consult with a lawyer to protect himself from (I’m no lawyer here) what you may call potential “false claims”.
We were totally blown away, not from footage but knowing how the driver framed the entire situation after speaking with our neighbors.
I’m sure once they present the footage via their lawyer things will resolve rather quickly…
If you freeze frame the video at about the 8 second mark, you will see the initial impact lifted the entire front of the Prius which caused the rear tire to blow…
It’s a good indication of speeding based off of our observation … Then momentarily after the wipers go off , once the Prius driver reaches for the steering wheel during impact…I assume within that split second.
Wow! That’s awesome for this case that you got this recorded. Speed may have been a factor but clearly that guy wasn’t paying attention because there was plenty of road for him to pass. Probably texting, or maybe was impaired. It irks me so much when people try to lie to get out of an accident.