Every time I try to Report an Issue in the app, I don’t think clicking submit is working. I do that and (whether or not the ‘send log file’ is checked) a ‘Send App Info’ screen pops up. No matter if I click back or select something, it goes back to the main help & feedback page.
I don’t get a confirmation of any sorts so I don’t think my support ticket has gone through (it’s because all 4 of my pan cam mics are barely working). Am I missing something super obvious? Here’s a screenshot of what the pop over looks like.
I Submitted a support request Through Gmail yesterday and again for the same thing today and still no reply or ticket number .
This has happened to me before but never did find out why , Maybe their inbox has reached its Max
One thing of note a pop up said it was over 25 megabytes, Had this problem before also
If and that’s a big IF you’re able to send you log file via the app, you don’t receive a confirmation that your support request has been received. Nor does anyone from Wyze ever respond. I’ve tried multiple times to send logs to support via the app and either Wyze is ignoring them or they are never received. The point is, we’re wasting our time. Sending logs via the app is simply an excercise in futility.
As a quick check, are the people running into this issue using beta? There is a beta bug that is impacting the log collection and that should be fixed in the next build we send out. If that is not the case for you, please let me know what app version you are using so I can tell the dev side!