Can't create Familiar face

When trying to create my familiar face, i get to the ‘consent’ page, push ‘add face’… Which brings me to a page with a round green circle and some instructions about lighting, etc…
It seems that green circle shoukd either ve sgiwibg ny face or i should be able to START ths process bt ppushing on it… But nothing…??

Is this the Friendly Faces feature? Was the Help Centerhelpful?

Since your question seems to be about a service and not a specific camera, I wonder if recategorizing it as Services & Integrations or Wyze AI might help get the visibility you’re seeking.

I don’t have any direct experience with this feature, so I’m just suggesting other ways to get help with this. :man_shrugging:

good idea… Thanks… !!

I will try re-categorizing it… :wink:

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I removed the duplicate post and recategorized this topic.

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