Can thumbnails for motion detection events be improved?

Hi all,

For slow moving events, the correct thumbnail is shown with a green box highlighting the trigger.

For fast moving events, the thumbnail doesn’t show a green box of what triggered the motion detection. I’m guess the image uploaded by the camera is “off” by a second or two.

In these instances I have to review each event from the SD card. On eventful days, this is a tedious process trying to review them all, instead of having a quick glance of the thumbnails.

Can anything be done to improve the thumbnails or do the newer models improve on this?

Mine is hit or miss, does not seem to be related to how fast the motion is. I’d say 50/50 of my thumbnails have the green box, but it is nearly always obvious what caused the event.

From what I can see, it seems to depend how long the green box stays there. If something just hits the edge of my detection zone, the box usually isn’t there on the thumbnail, but if the motion is within the detection zone, it is. Watching the video clip, the green box just blips for edge of zone and stays longer for in the zone.

If you’re having that many events every day and it isn’t clear what triggered them, maybe you need to use detection zone, sensitivity, or re-angle the cameras to eliminate detections that you don’t need/want.

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I have previously played around with the detection zone and settings, but kept missing events. I’ve now ended up enabling continuous recording.

Ideally having accurate thumbnails would be appreciated by most users.

They’re accurate, it’s just the still frame is a second or two into the video so the motion/green box has to last that long to be in that frame. If the motion doesn’t last for longer than that, is it safe to assume it isn’t an event you need to review? Have any of the non-green box ones ever been anything useful?

You can submit a wishlist topic that asks for the still frame to be the very first still frame from the event but I suspect there may be a technical limitation, how quickly their server is able to grab a frame after the event starts or something like that.

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