Camera resolution very poor

I first wired up my video doorbell v2 inside and tested the connection to my wireless. Worked perfectly. The video image was as sharp as I had hoped for 2K.
I moved it outside and the image has now degraded into what looks like 360 and shows no difference when I switch between the two resolutions.

Can anyone explain what might be happening? I’m still in range of my WiFi and the connection seems strong.

Usually, poor resolution is an indicator of a poor WiFi quality.

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Can you return it under warranty?

Outside walls can be detrimental to wifi signal. If you have aluminum siding, foil faced insulation, mesh for plaster/stucco, all of those are major wifi blockers.

Few options:
Reposition/relocate your wifi router, a higher floor or on top of a shelf/bookcase might be enough to do it.
Get a better router, preferably one with external antennas.
Get a mesh system, or add on an access point or extender to your current router (wired is preferable, but wireless should work ok).

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I concur with @dave27’s assessment and recommendations about signal, and I just added an inexpensive WAP to my network yesterday (though it wasn’t specifically for my Video Doorbell v2). I’m still evaluating that decision. :man_shrugging:

How are you determining that?

Specific to image, I also think about physical/optical issues, especially outside. A couple of non-Wyze cameras I have outside occasionally need a broom to swipe away cobwebs or other debris, and my Video Doorbell v2 frequently has motion alerts from bugs crawling across the camera’s face. I imagine you’ve already checked to see that the lens is clean, but sometimes I forget the simple things myself, so I don’t want to skip that here.

If you’re recording to microSD, you could also pull the card and view a few videos on a PC to make sure the unit is actually recording clear video for you. That might be another way to help narrow the issue to your Wi-Fi signal.

Since you moved the doorbell after initial setup, I also wonder about power, and that’s one of the first things I question whenever I read about someone having issues with one of these. If you were powering it from the same source/transformer before moving it outside, then that’s probably not the issue, but if it’s now connected to different wiring, then throwing an inexpensive multimeter on it to test wouldn’t hurt, though I really don’t think this is the issue.

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