My camera no longer pans. Even when there are people walking by.
You put Cam Outdoor v2 but I’m assuming you have the Pan v2?
Are you able to move it using the buttons in the app? When you reboot it (preferably via unplugging the power for a few seconds if possible), does it move/calibrate at all (not sure if the v2 does that like my v3s do, but I would assume so). If not, the motor/servo inside may have finally hit its expected life span. I have a couple v3s and one of them is moving all day every day tracking cars and people on a busy street. I’m curious how long it will last. About a year so far and going strong.
You could try powering it off and manually moving it one side all the way to the other and back to see if it is just stuck, never know, sometimes a motor gets a tiny bad spot in it and if it happens to stop on exactly that spot, it will get stuck there. Or could be dirt in a gear or something else jamming it up.
I can move it through my phone, it just is not scanning when people and cars are driving by.
Odd, sounds software related. Make sure pan/scan isn’t enabled. May want to delete, factory reset, and re-add it, maybe there is some conflict in it with rules. Have you shared it with anyone? Sometimes that can result in conflicting rules and settings.
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