Cam was working fine then

Hi there!
Just plug my wyze v2 cams and this one started showing images like

Now, what do I do?
Had this problem this morning then suddenly image got fine again then now repeating same image problem…

Have you tried submitting a support ticket with wyze cam support? It looks like the IR lens is half stuck but I can’t really tell because the image quality is not the best.

Agree. Try changing the night mode on/off/auto a few times. You can also move a strong magnet up to either side of the cam while watching the live stream. That will move the IR filter in and out. If that fixes it, then you definitely have a bad cam with a sticking IR filter.

To get it replaced, you will have to file a support ticket or call support (link at the top of this page). Or if you bought it from Amazon, use their return procedure.