Cam Pro Battery Event Recording Woes

I have had 4 Cam Pros for about 5 months now and I have had nothing but problems with the Cameras. The main issues that I am facing is the Cameras will either turn themselves off about once a day and stop recording, or in the camera setting, the event recording turns off (motion toggle switch is in the off position).

About once a day I need to go in and turn cameras off and then back on in the app. This clears it and the cameras work for about 18 hours or so.

The event recording keeps turning keeps toggling off under the detection settings.

Both of these are driving me nuts. Please help.

Firmware not he cameras is up to date and latest version of the app is installed.

I don’t know a lot about that cam but I think I recall someone saying they go into battery saver mode and that motion will wake them back up? When one goes into “off” try walking in front of it and see if it comes back on?