January 24, 2022, 9:50pm
The Prompt you get asks if you are willing to pay a dollar. Not sure what the options are but say no and wait. It will then associate it to your account. I have helped a few out with this.
Provide a screen shot when you get to that point.
Here is a link I provided in the past:
I believe you are talking about Cam Plus Lite - correct? If you are using Cam Plus Lite, you will still get everything you have today and then get Person Detection. You can then do what I am recommending above. To sign-up for Cam Plus Lite go here: Wyze Home Monitoring Service , then Click add Subscription, scroll to the bottom and select Cam Plus Lite. From there you select what you would like to pay, choose other if you want to enter 0 or another number. If you entered 0, you will get a p…
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