Cam Plus AI - Provide separate AI Detection and Notification options

I would like Wyze to give us this: Give us 2 CAM Plus Options Pages. One for Event Selection and One for Notification Selection.

[Mod Note]:

This request seeks to: Expand user selection of Wyze AI Event types for notifications similar to that which is provided under Event Recording such that individual AI types may be independently selected.

I have Cam Plus on 2 V3 Cameras. I want the AI Detection to Identify Vehicle’s, (Under Events) But I do Not want to be notified every time one is Detected. I do want Notification of Pet, Package & Person. It seems that I cannot be selective on what notifications I get? Am I missing something? I don’t remember having this issue in the Past.


Turn the others off. Open the V3 on the app, settings>event recording>cam plus AI detections. Turn off the ones you don’t want. You can’t pick and choose only certain vehicle notifications. If your car is in the driveway and a tree blows in the wind with your car in view you will get a vehicle notification.

Antonius…Thank You for your Reply. But read my post closely. I want AI to Tag Vehicles in MY Events. What I don’t want is to be Notified every time AI Detects a Vehicle. If I turn Off Vehicle Detection Under the Cam Plus Ai Notifications. Then all Vehicles will show up as Motion Events. That is not what I would like.


Read my post closely. Turn off all pet, person, package that you said you didn’t want. Leave vehicle on. If any event happens and there is a vehicle in view of the cam whether it is parked or moving you will get vehicle notification. If you had person turned on and they walked past a car that was parked you would get person/vehicle notification. There are only 2 choices on the events page filter person and motion. There are also only 3 choices under notifications Wyze AI events, sound and all other motion.

Since the last update this isn’t a thing at the moment but this was brought up on the update forum release thread so hopefully it will be brought back because I am also a person that had this setup like so.

Antonius, I want pet, person, package detection in Events and Get Notifications for those AI Events. I also want Vehicle Detection in Events. BUT I DO NOT want Notifications for Vehicle Detections. Is that Combination Possible?

My Original Post: I have Cam Plus on 2 V3 Cameras. I want the AI Detection to Identify Vehicle’s, (Under Events) But I do Not want to be notified every time one is Detected. I do want Notification of Pet, Package & Person.


My error “Do want the others” I do not think you can have the vehicle tagged in events with notifications for vehicle turned off. I will go out and try it right now.

Not possible. I just went out and walked in front of my car in the driveway. I got notification for person only. Tag of event says just person. This is with vehicle turned off in AI events.

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Agree… Wyze would have to give us 2 CAM Plus Options Pages. One for Event Selection and One for Notification Selection. I wonder if anyone has requested that on the Wish List?


I would prefer to just have notifications for moving vehicles, not the one sitting parked in my drive. :upside_down_face:


This need is for device trigger actions.

I merged this topic and all replies with your Wishlist request and added clarification as a note in your 1st post. Please let me know if this is satisfactory and don’t forget to vote for your own Wishlist item.

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Thanks & I voted.


Sent using an email account :grimacing:

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I would like to see a feature to customize notifications. For example: I only want to be notified on my phone about “person detection”, “package detection”, and “pet detection”. I do not care much for the “all other motion events” notifications. They drive me crazy all day and all night long!!!

AsOf right now you cannot get the “person, pet, or package” notification without getting All of the notifications.

I want to be able to turn on/off notifications for specific events that I personally want to be notified about.

Please vote if you agree!!


More customization for notifications

I have been using the app and get notified any time any sort of motion occurs, but I think it would be helpful if we could customize which notifications we get from the app (out of the app/push notifications). For example, I would still like to detect all types of motion, but I do not want to get a notification every time there is pet motion, and instead only get a notification on my phone when there is person detection/general motion that is not a pet. I think this type of customization would be really helpful and important in getting the best use out of the app.


Would it be possible to make notifications just when a person is detected? I have a lot of movement outdoors and it goes off way too often. However, when I filter it in the app to just show person detection it’s only a few a day and usually pretty accurate.
This would be very helpful in the app.


I agree. The ability to filter which Wyze AI Events notifications I receive would be useful!

E.g. I would disable Pet notifications, and keep Person and Package enabled.


Any chance that the AI can be improved? I get notifications all day long about ‘persons’, but it never is. It’s a vehicle, my dog, or some trees waving. It’s almost pointless to even have notifications if it can’t get the detection right.

I get incorrect AI identification notifications too. I have submitted several to wyze via the app.