Hey, newbie here to forums and tech. We purchased the Wyze Cam v3 for out door use, pretty easy set up, have figured a few things out, but now it keeps going offline. I see some things about using an outdoor plug. Sounds like I should not just be using the standard equipment they sent me in the box for outdoor use. What do you recommend to use for outdoor use in MN. Rain, freezing temps etc. Thanks for your help.
Welcome @tamaraoconnor8.
The company’s website advises to use the Wyze Outdoor Power Adapter.
Welcome to the forums. My first thought…is it going offline due to power or is it caused by a wifi connectivity issue? Typically power is far more stable and reliable than wifi signals. With that said, we do not know anything beyond what you shared in your initial post.
The plug included is for indoor use only, I believe that is in the specs as well. If moisture is getting to the plug and outlet, that is a fire hazard, and I think there’s some forum posts about that as well.
Since you have this outdoors, there is the possibility you are on the edge of the range of your WiFi.
Definitely upgrade the power adapter to an outdoor unit, though.
Thanks for the link!
That’s just what I needed.
The range seemed good, but I got a link for the outdoor plug so I will be getting that next.
I got a link for an outdoor plug so I will be getting that.
Awesome! That makes me feel like Queen for a Day!