Bulb Color - Default Scenes

Is there a way in the app to know what the color bulb is currently set to? Alternately, any idea what the settings are for the default color temperature scenes (Night Light, Cozy, Bright, Energized)?

I am trying to replicate the scenes in an external app and struggling to match them correctly.

I use Google by voice and set the lights as wanted and it works great.

I say “[keyword] set Theater Lights to 2700 Kelvin with a brightness of 25%.”

I have to differentiate these bulbs from my other two bulbs I set for 100%.

I found the color wheel was not precise.


Thanks for the reply! I’m able to create a scene using whatever settings I choose (I happen to be working in Home Assistant right now). However, I was just curious what the temperature settings were for the default Wyze presets, as I like how they look. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not aware of a way to capture or expose that data, but I think it’s an interesting question. (I’d also like to know exactly what settings another third-party app I use sends to its bulbs for different presets, because I really like the “Nightlight” setting in that one and haven’t been able to replicate it with Google Home, but that’s another issue.) I imagine you just do your best with trying to match it by eye?

This also makes me think of a Wishlist topic requesting more precise control of lighting colors, which is something else I’d like to see, because using that color wheel in the Wyze app can be frustrating.

Does Home Assistant have the ability to poll devices for their settings? There have been times when I’ve wanted to do automations in the Wyze or Google Home apps that will briefly blink a light or change its color for a short time but then return the light to its previous state (whether it was off or on; if on then at what brightness-percentage/color/temperature), but I’m not aware of a way to do that with those platforms, either. I think it’d be cool to…

  1. Poll a lighting group to get its current settings and store those temporarily.
  2. Execute an automation for a specified time period.
  3. Send the stored settings back to the lighting group at the end of the automation.

I do wish I can set the color granularity by specifying a hex code.

Although I haven’t tried it by voice.

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Don’t know why I didn’t think of this! The Wyze Integration in Home assistant shows the color and intensity as the icon for the device. I was able to change the bulb’s settings in the Wyze app and watch the icon change color within a few seconds in HA. Clicking on the device reveals the exact color and intensity (though not the color temperature).

  • Night Light: RGB(255 166 087) / #FFA657 @ 1%
  • Cozy: RGB(255 198 151) / #FFC697 @75%
  • Bright: RGB(255 222 195) / #FFDEC3 @ 100%
  • Energized: RGB(255 241 228) / #FFF1E4 @ 50%

You can 100% do this in Home Assistant, and easily. Below is a screenshot of the automations UI, You can see I opted to create a new scene for action, and you can take a snapshot of the current state of any number of devices. What is really nice is they recently added rooms, so you could specify all lights in a room, etc. Going back a step, there is an option to delete a dynamically created scene. I’d imagine this would end up being a script that gets called by an automation (which can be triggered by anything, really).

I’m thinking you might be following me down the HA rabbit hole soon. :smirk:

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This is why you harness the :brain: power of the Forum! :grin:

That’s :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: awesome!


Could be, especially if I can automate that lighting thing with team colors at game time.

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It’s strange that this isn’t a feature of the UIs. I just confirmed in the Google Home app that it’s just a color wheel as in the Wyze app. The crazy thing is that I’m sure any command is being sent to the device as a hex code.

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That would be great. Maybe I should try saying set color to “DFFF00”. It did work if I said that color in English.

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