Any plans for bimonthly fireside chats with the Wyze Engineers in 2025?
As many companies (‘used to’) know, their best sales force is their current customer base and their forum advocates!
They did mention they would love to do fireside more often. I recorded the last one and an AI summarized this from the transcript:
I think part of the reason it’s been less frequent lately is that Jason has been too busy without any help. He said he was supposed to be getting some more help in January, but I don’t know how long it will take for him to train people and things settle down into a less stressful routine.
Still, several of them said they enjoyed doing the Fireside and wanted to do them more often. I suspect they are more likely to happen around the time of new product launches to coincide with promoting or bringing attention to their new products as well. So, the time to ask about a fireside is probably in the announcement thread for a new product. That is likely to tempt them more, then ask if they can also invite some Engineers in addition to the Product Manager of the new product. That way it will bring in other users too, and those who come for the Engineer might also become more interested in what the Product Manager says during their turn talking. Win-win.
Yeah, Veronica seemed especially enthusiastic, and I appreciate how active and helpful she’s been on the Forum lately addressing some users’ product availability/ordering/shipping issues.
I like this idea a lot.
That’s what @tc10 wants, to win again!
You say the darndest things sometimes!
Well, dude, they haven’t kicked me out of the Forum yet, so….