July 2, 2020, 10:01pm
In addition to the aiming that @Customer mentioned, people far more clever than I have come up with ways alter the sensitivity with a translucent mask made from a milk jug and to set the detection zone with a toilet paper tube
Since I have installed the mask over my front driveway motion sensor, I have not had any heatwave notifications. People, cars, and cats are picked up with the mask. Early on tilting the top of the motion sensor 30° downward from vertical eliminated street traffic, but not the heat waves on the driveway. And now the mask only picks up people or cars if they are on the driveway. Cats are picked up if they are far enough on to the driveway. Making my earlier filter was to tool intensive for most pe…
My sister’s son-in-law mounted a WYZE motion sensor over her house entryway. The sensor was picking up too much peripheral motion. He made a shield by cutting down a toilet paper core to 1.5” and painted it to match entryway color, to make it less prominent. This paper core fit very snuggly over the sensor; no adhesive needed. The core came from Costco Kirkland brand toilet paper. Some other brands do not work so well.
Victor Maletic.
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