Does the Battery Cam Pro show a charging icon when the solar panel should be charging the camera?
I had it out in the sun today for the first time (and first time trying the solar panel), and expected to see the charging icon but I didn’t. I re-checked all my connections tonight and put it back out for another test.
I used the cables that came with the solar panel to wire it in. Everything seemed to fit well. Hoping I just didn’t have something seated fully.
I have a few connected to solar panels and it’s been a while since I checked, but I don’t think it shows the charging icon when I use them. Sadly I’m checking this at midnight so I can look right now. The main reason I know it’s working is because my camera battery keeps going back up to full.
If I recall correctly from the WCO’s, part of the problem is that the solar panel isn’t always putting out enough Watts because the sun strength goes in and out based on different conditions, so the power fluctuates. This is why they created a special toggle on the WCOs for us to let the camera know it is using the solar panel. The BCPros don’t have that, but I’m guessing if the amount of watts they are getting is not stable above a certain amount, then it just doesn’t show the power icon because it has to rely a little on the battery to stay stable during active recording.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much, but if I remember during the daytime (I usually work graveyards though), I’ll try to come back and post my findings if someone else doesn’t bring it up. It’s supposed to be cloudy for the next couple of days though, but if nobody else checks for you in the next day or so, tag me again and I’ll set a reminder/alarm during the daytime to remind me to go check for you. I’m totally willing to investigate it, though I suspect some others will check for you today. Just let me know if you still need me to check after today buddy.
So, I confirmed that you will see the charging icon while it is in the Sun. I just checked and it’s there and charging. I checked about noon and didn’t see it (could’ve been a lag in the app not showing me).
It’s only gained 2% since the sun came out so I’m hoping it will replenish 5-10% of the battery on sunny days.
I’m sure there is a threshold where it’s receiving a trickle of charging and the icon probably doesn’t show… but I can at least confirm you should see the charging symbol when it’s getting full sun.