I realize that Away mode can be programmed to specific actions once you leave the geographic zone around a location. If, for example, in daytime hours, you have it turn on Detection and Notifications when Away, Does it automatically turn those options back off when you return Home? Or do you have to create a subsequent automation to turn them back off (or back to normal) when returning back to Home?
When I set up my V3’s I just programmed the home modes like turn on camera turn off motion turn off notifications. In Away I do the same but turn on notifications,
My one trigger is turn on the siren when the garage or living room detects motion when away.
I do not have any monitoring for the last 18 months but may later. It works great and thanks to the folks on here! The new version updated without any problem and folks here helped my learn how to be able to check if I am in away or home mode with the app. Yes it automatically programs when you return home. The key here is that you have programmed the home mode.
Just to be sure I understand…away and home mode can be used for any devices, not just the alarm system? And the devices remain in away when you return home, if you do not have anything setup in Home mode to return them to the previous state. For example, if Away mode turns on detection, then it will remain in detection mode unless Home is set to turn detection back off? And does the Away and Home mode buttons allow you to change the modes manually?
Yes home and away can be used for any device that supports rules/automations.
Just be warned that if you turn on the location based rules (geofencing) it does eat up your phone battery, at least it did on mine.
And yes you can manually tap the home and away buttons (you can add any automation to the home screen as a favorite and tap to run it).
You need to set up both rules, home and away, they don’t automatically do the inverse.
Thanks all for the assistance!
Dave, I work from home, not in and out as much as others, so maybe not much impact on battery.
I just installed Battery Cam Pros with solar panel, so I am not yet sure the solar panels really work or how effective they are. One has recharged, the other not at all.
I work from home too, it is constantly polling your GPS location even at home, and I found the battery drain to be way too high. But it may have been my particular phone or maybe the newer app has helped. So give it a try and see.
One of my cameras just went from 100% to dead last evening. We were away and I had setup Away Mode. Does it use the battery up that fast when Notifications and Detections are turned on?
I was referring to your phone battery. I don’t have any battery powered cams but the cam being on will obviously use some battery, and every detection (especially if you’re using the AI feature) has to upload a video to the cloud for analysis. Were there a lot of events?
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