Auto-unlock when were already home!

For the last 2 days our lock has been auto-unlocking when both my wife and I are home, and have been for hours. It’s happened 3 times so far that I know of. The log shows it’s an auto-unlock from owner (me).

The lock battery is at 44% and its running firmware
Aside from still waiting for Google Home integration we’ve had no problems with our lock, its been installed since Christmas, and auto-lock and auto-unlock have been working almost flawlessly until this point. Thankfully it will lock itself after 10 minutes, but this is still a pretty big safety issue in my mind.

Has anyone experienced this and have any fixes?
I’ve just deleted and re-installed the lock, hopefully this fixes the situation.

I love everything smart home but I will never get a smart lock a good old deadbolt is the best for safety.

There is a chance your GPS is acting up and showing you are out of the area then when it shows you back if it happens to complete bluetooth connection it would unlock. You could try contacting support and sending them a log.

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