How come my app is in French, but my event view is all in Spanish???
You aren’t the first to report this.
@cyberic68 had the same issue.
Are you both using the same app version and OS? I would suggest reporting the issue within the App Release Thread for your particular OS and App Version.
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I am using the Android version v2.44.1 (327)
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Using v2.44.1 (327) on Android as well, on a Pixel phone and also a Samsung tablet, same bug on both.
Is it a known bug ?
I mean, are they working on it ?
Almost 4 months with this silly bug!!
Can I help you to fix it!???
It is a very simple fix!!
I have the same issue! I run android version 13 on samsung galaxy s20fe.
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Bug fixed since today!
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I know LOTS of folks have been looking forward to that language fix!
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