Totally agree about the readability in terms of font color and size. This is a problem with many mobile apps, so not unique to Wyze, but annoying nonetheless. I’ve been in software/tech since 1990 so I’m no newbie, tech laggard. But that also means I’m in my early 50s. Unfortunately, very few people escape the reality of diminished close up vision by mid-40s-50s, but I would think most (not all) mobile UI designers these days are sub 45. I think companies give designers glasses that simulate the up close vision of an avg 50 year old so they can at least pop them on to see what their beautiful design looks like for a big segment of their users. Dark mode definitely helps, but the use of really small font sizes and gray on white font colors can make it really difficult.
2 years ago I would have shrugged at your post, but in the past year I’ve had to start setting all my fonts bigger…
Life happens
Yes, it badly needs not just a redesign For use ability, but health related products, like the scale, should have its own application.
Great suggestion - but it will never happen - it makes too much sense. Wyze is a closed system, and I am not talking about the produce, I’m talking about the way the company is run.
Although it appears that way due to their lack of responsiveness, I am in hopes that somebody who is a large investor takes notice and makes some command decisions that will reflect more interest in the installed customer base’s needs.
Given that my most-commonly used device is an Adroid table, I find the poor support for landscape mode a constant aggravation.
It’s not that hard, really, to design a layout that can adjust.
I guess is more important to address some security issues instead of assign resources to app redesign.
IMHO, the company has gone in two distinct directions - security, and health & fitness. I think they would be much better served with two apps; easier to code and maintain, and easier for the user to get the information they want. And it should be lighter on phone resources to just have Wfit running in the background…
From Senior Director of Technology & Services, @Frederik, about six months ago:
Agreed on Type face and darkness, or lack there of. Problem is that coders are all young blokes that have perfect eyes.
Needless to say I am not a young bloke.
In a perfect world They would be able to do both
Totally agree!
That’s one reason I use “Force Dark Mode” in Android’s Dev options
It’s a work around but only for Android 10.
My experience with them has been pretty straight forward. I will say that you get a much better response contacting them vs. posting in the forums on their site. Once I figured that out they’ve been great.
So simply making the font color change (contrast with background) is too much to expect - Really?
This thread pretty tells you the “UX” is terrible, and needs a COMPLETE change. At least in the short term make the screen readable, and later use all the wasted empty space with something useable.
I have no idea what you mean when you are talking about HOME - Home page, Home - physical location??
“are hard at work in creating the next version of it and we are starting to get some pretty interesting lessons.” - I hope the first lesson you discovered that since you seem to exclude user input, the UX will continue to be problematic.
Hey Tango. I don’t know. What do you think of @myswtest’s surmise?
I have not experience writing a smartphone app but we are not talking about an OS here - its a Android app.
Yes, the mobile apps need to be redesigned with the customer’s in experience as a priority verses the cost for Wyze to maintain the software - while understanding they have more customers that are different in age, experience, background, geographical locations and building construction difference than their team members located in Washington state.
Why? I don’t understand, why all customers must update the shared mobile application and deal with the configuration and ergonomic changes meant for other products they may or may not own.
I basically have just v2, pans, sensors and outlets, but each time there is a new product release or updates that I don’t own/use my application experience, most of the time gets impacted.
Its like if I purchase a new clothes washer and now my microwave control panel changes the way I interact with it and my user experience may also be disrupted.
2 1/3 years ago I was so impressed with Wyze’s statement of listening to is customers, however, since getting outside investors, my personal experience with it’s application and firmware updates with each new product release has become a source of anguish, worry and frustration. After reading the posting from the newly released beta firmware for the Pan, my personal experience seems very similar to other customer’s.
Wyze’s business expansion has had untended consequences and it has landed on Wyze’s original customer base. I see its efforts in selling mask, thermometer and other philosophic activities, but it does appear to have gone smoothly.
I think the advice from “Mr. Miyagi” would be applicable:
- “You trust the quality of what you know, not quantity.”
- “Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?”
- “First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule Daniel son, not mine”
- “Never put passion in front of principle, even if you win, you’ll lose”
- “Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later…get squish just like grape”
I know the Wyze Team watches these postings activities but I wonder why none of them has posted any comments to this subject.