App 3.0 poses questions only a [POLL] can answer! šŸ˜

If this actually exists, Iā€™m surprised I never hit the limit.

Oh, it do. :upside_down_face:

Wow. Iā€™m guessing I get extra edits with the higher trust level badge along with other things that I know get like extra likes.

Thatā€™s probably why I havenā€™t hit my limit.

Yep, you are more a master of this domain than I. :man_bowing:

The skeptic in me thinks it can be invoked manually at any time to chill a too ā€˜passionateā€™ poster not otherwise in violation of guidelines. :wink:

I confirmed that you just need to get this badge and it increases lots of your daily limits:

Default way to get it (Wyze might have tweaked the settings slightly for their forum):

And the standard benefits are:

So it looks like I get twice as many edits as you do, which seems to be sufficient for my needs.

Yeah, Iā€™ll never do all that. :sweat_smile:

No worries, it gave me time to clip my toenails and cut my nose and ear hair. Win-win. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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As I said before the pause:

I might agree to drop ā€˜deepā€™ but otherwise it stands. And I do feel it is deep, so think twice before pressuring me to compromise. :slight_smile:

And I will argue (in short) a @carverofchoice position ā€“ in fact, happily acknowledge it ā€“ that The Wyze compares favorably to its corporate peers in many respects regarding customer relations and transparency.

It disrespects us less than others.

And now I :zipper_mouth_face:

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How did I get TL3 and you didnā€™t? :thinking:


Three points:

  • Irrelevant, at least to me. And Iā€™m pro-pause, anyway (as some may know. :wink: )

  • Weā€™re friends, split it with me. (DONā€™T DO THIS! ITā€™S ILLEGAL! :joy: )

  • I donno, Iā€™m feeling optimistic this morning.

Look, even Edge is improving! :+1:

A sure sign of a market bottom. :slight_smile:




I LOVE the way our fingers are versatile enough to make that sign at a momentā€™s notice! Awesome!

(See? :slight_smile: )

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Hands are pretty amazing, especially jazz hands! :grin:
I also like that our fingers are versatile enough to make a sign with a single finger at a momentā€™s notice, but I will exclude this from my post because Iā€™m trying to avoid Community Guidelines strikes :negative_squared_cross_mark:! Awesome! :upside_down_face:


You are even awesomer than yesterday! Awesome!! :sun_with_face:


Thanks! Aging is not especially awesome, but the potential for wisdom thatā€™s possible if one perseveres is awesome! Thanks for being the most awesome :frog: Iā€™m aware of on this awesome Forum!



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This song is NOT called DISRESPECT YOURSELF for a reason:

It OMITS nothing.

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Iā€™m going to teach the :raccoon: gang sign language and that will be the first lesson. Their fingers are very versatile . :laughing:


With such power comes great responsibility. :sunglasses:

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Exactly. Start with ā€œnumber oneā€! This seems like a perfectly reasonable plan to foster basic nonverbal communication, and I applaud your efforts. :clap:

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