App 3.0 poses questions only a [POLL] can answer! šŸ˜

I believeā€¦

The avg customer has X active Wyze cams:

  • 10 or less
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • 100 or more
0 voters

Most access their cams primarily via:

  • Local WiFi (Home)
  • Remote WiFi (Away)
  • Cell Network (Away)
0 voters

Choose more than one :point_up: ONLY if access is pretty evenly split.

Cams are most likely to stream robustly/reliably when accessed via:

  • Local WiFi (Home)
  • Remote WiFi (Away)
  • Cell Network (Away)
0 voters


The avg customer has X active DEVICES (Wyze cams + other Wyze stuff):

  • 10 or less
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • 100 or more
0 voters



Forum Maven @carverofchoice image  is considered to be very well-informed. He believes the typical customer has only 1-2 cameras.

This is not the peepeep peepollā„¢ I suggested.

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I believe the typical customer only has 1-2 cameras. But Iā€™m going to say 100 just to be THAT GUY.

Same with number of devices. There are a lot of people who only have 1 or 2 things with Wyze, but they have millions of those people.


To anyone about to take the poll: This guy :point_up: is always talking through his hat. :roll_eyes:

Proceed with confidence in your own assessments. :joy:

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Modesty forbids me from posting a poll like that. :innocent:



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I believe we are developing high-information consumers hereby. Does The Wyze desire this? Do the consumers desire this? Does President-elect Harris desire this?

Cā€™mon folks, data-fluency is nothing to sneeze at. :nose: :sweat_drops:

When consumers stop sneezing, does The Wyze catch a cold?

My above estimate comes from things Wyze said during the great Home Assistant Rate Limiting scandal, along with things Gwendolyn has said in Firesides related to the survey events they made, wherein it has been stated many times that us people with lots of cameras/devices are an important subgroup, but not the typical one. I donā€™t remember if they said exact estimates or averages or not, but I recall that the average customer is fairly low volume.

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Ugh, stop saying things. :joy_cat: Youā€™re queering the poll!


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Bah, people should vote before they read biased info from people like me in the peanut gallery


First thing youā€™ve said I agree with. Recently. Very recently. Now. :smiley_cat:

Folks, @carverofchoice is always a very reliable source of most anything, but with polls, I donno, theyā€™re like catnip or something, he gets all zoomy and starts willy-nilly saying things. :wink:


A case of premature electulation, perhaps?

I guess I missed that one. I also missed the Great Cabbage Fart Panic of 1860.[1]

  1. As heard in ā€œFirst Announcementsā€ from the George Carlin album, A Place for My Stuff! ā†©ļøŽ

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Short version, Wyze found that more than half of their entire server load was coming from users of Home Assistantā€™s 3rd party Wyze API integration due to excessive phone and camera polling. So, without notice they set up a new rate limit to completely block all these users from their server (including through the Wyze app), People were extremely upset with Wyze, and there were negotiations between Wyze and the HACS integration dev and the compromise was to ban sensors and camera polling from Home Assistant Polling, and restore everyoneā€™s devices to functionality. It was reported that Home Assistant users tended to be a TINY percentage of their users, but an important powerful (influential) subgroup with LOTS of devices and influence while their average/typical user that comprises the majority of the company were those that didnā€™t have very many devices, but there are a lot of them.

Now us Home Assistant users have been asking them to be more reasonable and make and official API so there isnā€™t so much ā€œPollingā€ on the servers. If they built an official integration, it wouldnā€™t strain their servers.

So the scandal is that they just ended up randomly out of nowhere completely banning (blocking) a ton of their top customers without any warning, and then because of the public blowback from it, they negotiated a reasonable compromise (and I do agree it was reasonableā€¦though I wish theyā€™d go the extra mile and just do an official integration that doesnā€™t ban cameras and sensors).

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Oof! Right in the gonads![1] But what about the :leafy_green::wind_face::fearful:?

  1. :rooster::brick::bangbang: ā†©ļøŽ


:sweat_smile: I mentally accustom myself to being a couple of years older than I actually am, too.

So if you were to ask me, how old are you, I would say, 2 years older than I actually am, see how it works? :smile_cat:


Pertinent to poll questions two and three. :slight_smile:

Per OPā€™s request, removed block of posts concerning poll use resulting in reader confusion.


Soā€¦ Youā€™re admitting @peepeep asked to engage in voting interference (modification) and you were complicit? :upside_down_face:


Per no oneā€™s request, acknowledged that I like seeing the :pirate_flag: do something nice for the :frog:.