Anyone Have An Extra "Bridge" From WYZE Sensor Kit For Sale

I accidentally purchased a WYZE Sensor 4-Pack not realizing that they’re useless without the “Bridge” included in the Starter Kit.
I had no interest in the Starter Pack because I needed (4) Sensors AND I didn’t want the “Motion Eye” included in the Starter Kit.

I wish WYZE would offer the “Bridge” attachment as a stand-alone because I can’t really afford to drop another $25 just to obtain the “Bridge” I need. Did anyone happen to purchase (2) Starter Kits and is willing to sell me their spare “Bridge” for a reasonable price?

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they might do a refund for a starter kit if you haven’t had it long. contact Wyze to see what your options are.

Thank you, but the irony is that I contacted Wyze and they offered that suggestion already.
However, I’m content with needing (4) Sensors and not just the (2) that the Starter Kit contains.
They even mentioned that I share my grievance on this message board… and so here I am.

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