Any program for recycling cam?

Hi everyone! I’m new here in this forum. A little about myself. I first stumbled finding out about Wyze when I installed smart garage opener and I said “boy, there’s something missing”. I knew it’s a smart camera. I have this OCD about being paranoid if I left my garage open or not so I have to drive back to house just to check my garage :laughing:. I found the Wyze V2 cam on amazon bought it at a discounted price, and the obsession begins… Wyze everywhere in my house, from lights to sensors to different cameras and so on… The reason why I’m here is to ask Wyze if there will be a program where I can send my unused wyze products for recycle because I don’t really want to throw them away. I have an old version of pan cam and wireless outdoor cam that is still working but the resolution is not the greatest (kinda getting obsolete). I love Wyze and they just keep on making their products better and competitive with good pricing.

There usually are county recycling centers that accept electronic items. Some civic groups also hold recycling drives occasionally.

Edit -

You can also post free notices on craigslist and similar websites.

At least here in the Los Angeles area, the county has both permanent location HazMat recycling centers and roving HazMat centers. Additionally there are local E-Waste events almost every weekend somewhere within 10 miles of where I live.

We do have electronic recycling in WI. It would be nice for Wyze to initiate a program such as recycle product back to them and give away coupons as a support for the environment.

Why not help a neighbor? Favor someone with your older stuff. Show them how it will help, the teach them how to install more if they chose. I do.

It would not be worth the shipping cost.

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