Allow filtering event by multiple cameras

Is there a way to update the app so you can select only certain cameras to view the alerts for in the notifications tab? I have some people sharing cameras with me but when I view the alerts, sometimes I only want to view certain cameras and not all the cameras. I know it allows selection of one individual camera or all cameras. There should be an option to only select certain multiple cameras with a check box. It should also save that selection street exiting the app.

Allowing grouping is what i needed… As i’m thinking getting dozen more this in different locations… it would help of there is grouping features


Yeah grouping would work as well…

@CaptainMark? What are your thoughts?

So having recently discovered the ability to filter events by camera I would like to request the ability to filter by multiple cameras at the same time. I have Wyze cams in two different locations and would like to be able to filter by the cams I have in one location. I don’t necessarily need “groups” to filter by, just the ability to select more than one camera.


I noticed grouping was finally added to the latest update. I thought filtering events by groups would be available when the grouping feature was added to the latest app update. Is it more difficult for the app developers to add filter event notifications by group?


MOD NOTE: I updated the title of this topic to reflect current terminology and the existence of device groups

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Thanks for renaming it. I think adding checkboxes next to each camera after you click filter and allowing multiple checkbox selections should work well. You could also have the names of the groups listed there as well so you can check the box of multiple groups if needed. Not sure how difficult that would be to implement.

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We’re working on multi-select devices (not yet group select). :slight_smile:


@WyzeLi I actually prefer multi select so that’s good! Thanks for the update.

Looks like they finally changed the status to testing!

Now that we can group cameras for live playback it would be nice to be able to filter only events from groups of camera. Or we can chose more option on the filter menu. I now have 7 cameras and going through events gets busy with detected motion/sound. So far I am so satisfied that we want to get more cameras for our relatives.

I noticed after the latest app v 2.4.82 update with the person detection, you can now filter events and multi-select cameras by checking boxes of only the cameras you want to see! That’s exactly what I was looking for and they implemented it the same way I had described. You still can’t filler by groups though but I think multi-select is better.


Yes, we added multi-select in device filtering but not yet for groups. To remove confusion, I’m going to change the title to “Allow filtering event by multiple cameras” from “Allow filtering event by multiple cameras and groups” because I’m going to change the tag to “launched”. If you want to vote for allowing filtering by groups, please vote here. Allow Alerts to be filtered by group