Allow a user to receive notification only on Smart AI events

Wishlist for 2025: allow a user to receive notification only on AI events.
Today the Duo Cam Doorbell sends “Complete Motion Detected” even when there are no humans involved.

In “Device Notifications” / “Events (manage)”, we can configure the record and notify for all the Smart Events. But there is no way to disable notifications for “standards” events.

I contacted support, apparently there is no way to enable notification only for Smart Events. When we have the license for Smart detection, It would be nice to be notified only for those events.

This already exists. Go into both event recording and notification settings, under one of them you’ll see “other motion” and “other sound” and you can uncheck notify for those.

I forget which one it is under, one of those two (I’m not a subscriber so mine looks different).

Alternatively, you can use the events filter. Its icon looks like a funnel.

As @dave27 stated, uncheck the other motion. This is my setting for the Duo doorbell

I don’t have this option, I only get

  • Person
  • Friendly faces
  • Pet
  • Vehicle
  • Package
  • baby crying
  • barking
  • Meoing
  • Talking
  • Glass Breaking
  • Gunshots

Note: I had to disable “Gunshots” notification, I was notified every time someone closed the door. I guess Wyze now thinks I live in a very dangerous neighbourhood.

I have Wyze Duo Cam Doorbel firmware v1.0.24.11. The Wyze App is running on IOS 18.2

It is in there but it hides on you.

I thought if you went under notifications and did customize it showed you the full screen with “other motion”. But if that is not the case, the other option should be to change event recording to “all events” but then go into customize and check off only the ones you want. The side effect of that is it will record/tag other motion, it just won’t notify you. Of course it sounds like it is doing that already, plus notifying you.

First try going to both Event Recording → Customize Detections AND Notifications → Manage. In the past, one of those two would take you to the screen that @spamoni shows. If that is no longer the case, you’ll probably have to use the other option above.

Or maybe there is a way to change it to all events just long enough to disable notifications for “other” then change it back to smart events only? Could give that a try and see if the notifications setting sticks or not.

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I will check my iOS device as well



Here are my iOS Screen shots

Can you provide a picture of your Device Notification Screen?

Also, I have Cam Unlimited / Plus, you need this to take advantage of AI processing. Can I assume you have that service?

I used your first option (enable all events recording), I do have the option to disable notifications on “Other motion”.
I’ll let it soak and let you know if the problem comes back.

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And if you want to partake in the wishlist submission system, here is some light reading in the process and parameters to follow.

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Here is my snapshot - no “Other Motion”, but this is the “Customize Recordings” screen when Smart Detection Events is selected.
I have Cam Unlimited.

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Go under notifications settings, it should be there.

That is to be expected because you have “smart detections only” selected.

If you have all motion events selected…

Then all events will be a choice on the next screen…

But when you have smart detected events only selected…

There is no more all events. Because you’re already chosen not to have all motion the previous screen.

@Omgitstony that’s right, and this workaround will probably work. So far my cam didn’t sent me any notification since I updated my configuration through the “All Events” recording preferences.

However I believe this inconsistency should be considered as a bug:
Current behaviour:
if Recording is set to Smart Detection Events: It will always notify Other Motion

Behaviour I would expect:
if Recording is set to Smart Detection Events: It should at least give me the choice to be notified only on the Smart Events (ie give the possibility to disable Other Motion).

IMO you could have one screen for TAG, RECORD and NOTIFY, instead of two.

But thank you again for your assistance, it’s greatly appreciated and my problem appears to be resolved.

Non subscribers only have one screen for both and it is identical under both events and notifications, that’s what causes a lot of the confusion.

At least at one point subscribers could access the “full” screen under one of them, I think it was notifications. Maybe that has changed.

Whether a bug or design flaw, either way it doesn’t make sense.

Doesn’t make sense would be an understatement. This is definitely a design flaw and Wyze needs to fix it. However, I don’t have very high hopes :slight_smile:

I mean when you set it to “smart events only” logic would say “other” would be disabled. That’s why it disappears. So clearly someone missed something somewhere, since apparently it disappeared but stays checked off.

What I’m not sure of is if it records/tags the “other” events in that mode or only “notifies” on them. If it only notifies, and you can disable that in the notifications section, then I guess it sort of makes sense, though is still very confusing. They probably should merge those two into “recording and notifications”, they both lead to the same screen in the long run anyway.

What I have in event recording is all events selected. But then I go to customize detection and select the AI and turn off the notification on all motion.

So try to hitting it back to all events and then see if you can toggle the all motion notifications.