Anyone looking to add a couple of echo dots to integrate with your wyze system there is a good sale right now.
Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Prime members get 2 for $39.98. Enter code DOTPRIME2PK at checkout.
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Great timing, was recently thinking of getting 2 more.
Thank you sir!
They’er getting ready for the Prime day (October 13-14, 2020) …and.
…item will be released on October 22, 2020
I’m holding out for the advanced grammer check option.
Just as a reminder 30 minutes after I come through my front door, Alexa says, “Did you shut the dam front door”
Bump to everyone - they are super cheap right now (like $18 bucks) due to Prime Day. The Echo Flex is also a great tool to integrate your Wyze devices with (person detection announcements, sensors, etc).