AI Video Search - Launched 8/28/2024



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So far I like this feature, I love the way Wyze is always looking for ways to innovate. Adding or improving new or existing AI features to its products is another thing that makes the difference when compared to its competitors. Of course there is always room for improvement. For instance:

  1. If I write: “person in front at night” and one of my cameras or group of cameras is named “Front”, I would expect the AI to filter the video search to that particular camera or group only (I understand that there is a filter for the cameras but, why if I have 20 or 30 cameras? Wouldn’t be easier to include the name of the camera or even camera group so the AI focuses on that camera or group only?).
  2. The invite email says that if the access is granted, the feature will be available in Wyze app on the phone in the Events Tab, it does not seem to be the case, at least not for the pilot (Wyze app v 3.0.5 (558) running on a Samsung Galaxy Flip 4 with Android v 14).
  3. I may have mixed feelings about the 14 days date range limitation (there seems to be one). What if I want to look for an event from a month ago? Again, this limitation could be related to the recent launch only.
    What others think about this new features? I would like to hear how you use it or how you’d like to use it but it does not seem to be possible yet.


How far back do you think Events should be saved? Keep in mind that the farther back events are saved, the more it costs to keep storing them, so the cost would have to go up as well. What do you think is a good amount of storage knowing costs would go up to compensate for that?

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Totally! That’s why I said I have mixed feelings, I understand the why. Yet, it would be cool being able to extend that range for a month or two. Maybe something to do with a version of the AI which is capable to analyze the data in your device’s memory card also rather than the cloud only?


Those are great ideas. I can certainly see the value of being able to have cloud recordings stored a little longer if we have access to this AI video search.

Usually I rarely look at events farther back than 2 weeks, but if the AI can analyze all those events FOR me, then I might enjoy that a lot more. But like you indicated, I am not sure how far back is reasonable for the cost that I’d be willing to pay. :thinking: I was just curious what you and others thought would be good. I mean, if an AI agent like this could review events and grab them for me, then I could see myself sometimes pulling events as far back as a year ago, like asking it to show me the the events of my kids opening Christmas Presents on last Christmas so I could save a couple of those. Or maybe asking it to try to find videos of us or our neighbors lighting fireworks from July 4th. Maybe I would ask it if it could find any meteors or shooting stars in the sky at night and be happy for it to search back several months.

But I probably would not want to pay the costs for all that cloud storage :thinking:

I like your idea of it being able to analyze the local storage! That’s actually a brilliant idea! Consider if they could this:

  1. Have the AI search function make an Index of objects it saw in the Cloud events. (date and time stamp along with which image was seen in that event)
  2. Still let the cloud events only last for 14 days (or a little longer if they want?), But not delete the Index log of the objects it saw in the various events.
  3. If someone searches for something and it is within the 14 day period, then it will pull up the Cloud event as normal like it currently does. But if the cloud storage time has already passed, then it could see if that event is stored on the MicroSD card, and if it is, then it could link people that date/time on the MicroSD card.

The above option would allow them to save a ton of cloud storage costs by not having to save video longer than 14 days or whatever, but still being able to benefit from the AI search for a WAY longer period of time! We could have the best of both worlds. This would make a great case for telling MicroSD cards to record “Events Only” instead of “Continuous Recording” so that events will go back months in the past, especially if someone uses a large MicroSD card. Something like this might make me tempted to buy a 500GB or 1TB MicroSD card for certain cameras if this cool Wyze Search AI kept an index of things like that which I could be linked to on my mSD card months in the past.

I don’t know if the above is really all that feasible or how their system works…I am assuming it is simply indexing videos for easy detection and searching of pre-programmed objects and such, but it could be a lot more complicated. I guess that’s something @WyzeMatt and his team would have to consider, but I think you have a pretty cool idea…I would still pay the subscription to have the AI index my cloud events and then be able to link me to an SD card event that goes back much farther than the cloud storage permits. That could be a great solution to still get all those benefits without needing to increase Wyze’s cloud storage costs so much, and thus allow us to use the AI search in a way that goes back way farther and is even more useful without needing to raise costs a ton to keep saving cloud videos too much farther back.

Thanks for the discussion on that subject. The more I think about it, the more I hope that is a possible solution so we get the best of both worlds…search that can go back really far in the past (depending on how big our SD card is and how often we have events), while still keeping the subscription cost low with lower cloud storage costs.

I think I might ask about this in the next AMA because that would be so awesome to implement if it is possible.

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That was a question I had, too, because I imagine this isn’t currently possible.

I agree, and it made me think of this:

I wondered if a similar process might work this way:

  1. The user (doing continuous microSD recording to a large card with events tagged in the recording timeline) submits a query to AI Video Search.
  2. The Edge AI on the camera suggests candidate event recordings on local storage and submits these to Cloud AI asking for confirmation of a match.
  3. Cloud AI analyzes them and lets the app know which events it “thinks” match the user’s request.
  4. The app displays resulting thumbnails to the user to tap and review.

I don’t know if anything like that is technically feasible. I think what @carverofchoice suggested might be more realistic.

Yeah, definitely a good thing to ask about. :+1:


We are looking into extending AI Video Search to SD cards.

I understand that many SD Card owners dislike subscriptions, but dang is it tedious to scroll through them. If there’s interest in this at all please let me know, but my gut says that there are probably very few customers with SD cards in all their cameras looking to pay for only an AI Video Search subscription…

Would LOVE to be wrong haha


Well, I would be one of them, at least.

Most of the people I know who pay for cam plus also have SD cards in all their cameras as a backup. My younger brother and my friends do.

I have over 50 cameras with SD cards, and have Cam Unlimited. :man_shrugging:

Having an SD card, even if I have cloud events helps me in several ways:

  1. Backup in case a cloud event has an error
  2. In case there was insufficient motion (detection sensitivity, detection zone, etc), I still have that recorded on an SD card (I use this ALL THE TIME, especially since Wyze reduced the Detection Sensitivity maximum a while ago, making events happen less frequently by requiring more motion to count as an event…presumably to cut on cloud costs?)
  3. It is easier to record the EXACT section I want to. Say a cloud event is 5 minutes long, I have to download the entire thing, even if the part I want is just 10 seconds in the middle of that file.
  4. I can record an event without having to stitch multiple events together (ie: if the part I want starts in 1 cloud event but doesn’t finish until a second cloud event…this happens a lot)
  5. Backup safety in case the internet goes out, then I still have the recording.
  6. SD cards allow me to go back farther than 14 days. I have had to use this in a few cases.
  7. I can pull an SD card out and make a timelapse after the fact, instead of remembering to start one BEFORE the event happens…and the problem with the Wyze Timelapse is sometimes the timelapse completely fails if the camera is interrupted in some way (ie: the camera resets or something during that period…whereas the SD card will allow a fallback plan).

Probably a ton of reasons other people use them, but I use the cloud events heavily (I had 42GB of Wyze event uploads in the last 24 hours, and 1.71TB of Wyze cloud event uploads in the last 30 days…actually it’s more than that because that’s not counting my small business account, just my home residence), but I still have SD cards in EVERY single camera. Most of the 1080p cams have a minimum of 128GB in them all, and the 2K+ cams have at least 256GB cards, some of them 400GB cards, and I’ve been eying some 512GB cards for a few of my primary cameras even though I have Cam Unlimited.

I bet there are several others that do the same thing. Every person who posts on here about failed uploads, or missed recordings, I tell EVERYONE to get an SD card as a backup.

But you could be right…there could be a lot who don’t bother with SD cards if they have a subscription.


FYI, I could not initially unlock the AI video search feature due to the “get started” box not being accessible (cut off at the bottom of the screen, see attachment). This was on a Galaxy S24 Ultra.
I had to adjust the font size down to its lowest setting to be able to click on it. Seems the screen image is not scaling properly?

Also tried doing it on another device (Galaxy-Tab-A7-Lite) and just got a blank white screen. Both devices are on Wyze app v3.0.5 (558).


Yikes. I’ll share this with the team.

You can also sign up here: Wyze Web Events


I’m hoping someday Wyze can notify me if it detects a RAT vs a CHIPMUNK vs a SQUIRREL vs a RABBIT. We live in a rural area and love chipmunks and rabbits but want to deter rats and squirrels in our feeding shed. I do some IoT stuff and exploring AI animal detection with raspberry pi / arduino, but if my Wyze cams can integrate the detection part, would be a dream come true.


Just curious, but why would you like chipmunks and hate squirrels? They basically seem like the same animal to me. :thinking:

As for specific detections and notifications that work right now, And since you’re capable of using things like a raspberry pi, consider using something to convert your wyze camera streams into rtsp such as Docker Wyze Bridge, then put the streams into something like frigate or Scrypted which can do custom AI detections And custom notifications right now. That should help with your current tissue while you’re waiting for Wyze to to develop the future custom notifications that Matt has mentioned elsewhere will be their future goal.

I like to see squirrels in my backyard.

Iguanas not so much.

Luckily no alligators.

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I like squirrels in my backyard. No so much when they invaded my attic, somehow chewing a hole in the roof unbeknownst to me.


That would give me a different perspective.

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I did a search on my wyze dot com for raccoon and got raccoons, cats and possums. I typed in pet and got raccoons, cats and possums. :grin:


Try :frog:

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Maybe I will try :poop: :laughing:


Two big functions are missing regarding to Wyze cameras SD recording

  1. Play speed : only normal speed available, it should include 2x, 4x, 8x so that you can easily locate some events checking the recordings in fast playback, using human’s bran NI (Natural Intelligence) is very tedious doing it manually stretching the playback ribbon to have more resolution
  2. Different resolution for recording and streaming, this way you could have HD set for SD recording to have good details in the recording in case of events but have the chance to set streaming to SD or 360 mainly and more useful when you are in mobile networks, this way you can check your cameras with low data consumption but enough to detect any weird changes in your locations but having the SD recording always in HD for checking in case some problem arise

Another desirable is to include the AUTO-ON-OFF button for IR mode in landscape for v3 cameras and include the button (removed don’t know why) for v3 pro (don’t know if v4 have same problem), you have to go through the menues to activate/deactivate IR very useful to check light saturated areas where the camera’s automatic exposure fails, in IR mode you can see details overexposed in normal lighting

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