Because all the other cameras show playback on that camera’s “page” (i.e. from Home select a camera, see the View Playback button, watch video), I was expecting that the outdoor camera would display its results on its “page” as well (i.e. from Home select the outdoor camera, expect to see View Playback, or at least the events that camera recorded).
But that’s not where you’re putting the output of the camera, you’re putting it on the Events page…which prior to this I had never even looked at.
My recommendation for the design team: Either put the events a camera records on it’s individual “page,” or on that page at least put a text pointer to the Events page so we know to look there. Given that the behavior of this camera is different from your other cameras, that would seem reasonable.
**//Mod Edit: Title Modified to Enhance Search Clarity.
Please place a “View Playback” button in the individual camera screens to match other cameras WYZE has existing. THis is key function. Please. It is missing and works great for other cameras.
Agreed, but the function is very helpful to retrieve or video on the card rather than retrieving the card, no? It can be used sparingly and come with a warning.
As WYZE has added the ability of Outdoor Camera to remain FULLY CHARGED with their Solar Panel, it’s time to add the VIEW PLAYBACK OPTION if SOLAR PANEL is added!
View SD Card Footage On Phone!!! (Wyze cam outdoor V1 and V2)
People should be able to see SD card footage for scheduled recordings with motion for the wyze cam outdoor. It would be great to implicate this feature in the events section and be able to use wyze cam lite filters ( person and motion).
Pleas raise awareness about this issue!!!
[Mod Edit]Merged with an existing wishlist topic. Give it a vote to help it along!
I think there should be the option to turn on a playback feature on the wyze outdoor cam v2 and the wyze doorbell pro.
[Mod Note]:Your request was merged to this topic for consistency in grouping similar requests. Please remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button. Please also note that Wyze doorbell cams have no provision for playback as doorbell cams have no SD card feature. You may wish add your doorbell suggestion to and/or vote for Ideas for Wyze Doorbell V2.