Add More Actions for Wyze Automations (Rules)

Can’t you just leave night vision on auto with the LEDs off? Or does the illuminator confuse it?

There is a street light nearby that forces the camera into day vision but there are dark shadows cast by the light that day vision cannot see into. Switching on night vision and using an IR illuminator allows me to see details in the shadows.

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Ah gotcha. I have one (an OG) in a similar situation but I have a rule to turn on the spotlight when motion is detected which works well for me (it never goes into night mode and there is plenty of light to see most stuff, and the spotlight makes sure a face etc is visible). So yeah I can see how a rule to turn on/off night vision on a schedule would be useful in cases like yours.

One thing I’ve noticed about rules, they do seem to always do the initial action properly (though I may have just not noticed when they don’t), but sometimes they don’t do the opposite action - like turning the spotlight back off after 1 minute. Sometimes it will be on all night after the rule fires. Fairly rare but does happen sometimes. Odd, I guess maybe the second command doesn’t always make it to the camera or something. Some of my cameras are “moderate” wifi signal so I’m guessing that is the reason.

I use the 940nm infra red lamps because they can illuminate an area without annoying my neighbours as 940nm cannot be seen by humans but the cameras can.

Also helpful if there is very little light due to no moonlight. All the illumination is from IR illuminators -so anyone looking will not see the light - it looks pitch black and they would need a flashlight to see anything

The streetlight can be seen above the roofline and the illuminators allow the camera to see in the shadows caused by the streetlight

With illuminator switched off the street light stops the camera seeing the cars


Opening and closing garage door trigger rule for the garage door opener, based on location?

Location rules for opening a garage door does get risky though. Phone Location is a tricky subject. Sometimes, even at home, people’s location accuracy can vary dramatically. If your phone is in suspended status (screen off, in your pocket, in your basement, etc) your location can be off by several hundred feet or more and bounce back and forth in and out of your home, which would then cause the garage to open and shut repeatedly. There are ways to ensure the location stays more accurate, but then your phone battery drains really fast.

All of the following red dots are location pings of a phone logged between 3:22pm until 3:45pm. and the phone was 100% of the time at that house with the pin and orange circle around it. Yet, sometimes the estimated location bounced way outside of the zone it is configured to detect. Look how many houses away it thought she traveled, sometimes in less than 10 seconds. It sometimes estimated that she traveled all the way out and back in 10 seconds, which is impossible on foot (55mph in a straight line through houses walls, fences, etc,):

For scale, those dots are ranging over 500ft in the above screenshot, but sometimes they happen even farther away for some people depending on the conditions. I have seen location pings off by 800ft+.

So it would be really risky for Wyze to allow a garage door to open based on a location rule unless the location was based on more accurate data than the phone’s passive location. On the other hand they could force location High Accuracy mode like Google Maps and some other apps do when they are actively using high accuracy location tracking, but then it would be doing so 24/7 in the background and totally kill your battery fast. That would make a lot of people really mad.

It’s a tough thing to balance. I’m not saying there are no solutions, just want to help some people understand why it is not as simple as it might appear.

(The above location pings and map are using Home Assistant Companion app and telling the app to just pull the location sensor data when the phone normally pulls it and use default accuracy limits and estimates and just use that same data that it’s pulling anyway, rather than telling it to pull special data on an extra interval or force the phone to always pull high accuracy mode at a faster interval which would kill the battery…Home Assistant Companion app has lots of customizable location options, and the above is basically using the phone defaults…this is with a Google Pixel 8 Pro, but I see the same thing on basically every other model that pulls phone default location settings unless you force high accuracy mode constantly to drain the battery fast…also, it should be mentioned that the phone itself does list what the +/- accuracy estimate is for the location, so it might know a person is somewhere within an 800 ft radius, and estimate they MIGHT still be at home…so Wyze could technically compensate for large location ranges, and even increase the home zone range…I’m not saying it can’t be done, but there are pros/cons for each solution and they will have to debate how much risk to allow for something like this).

Personally, I wish Wyze would let us choose our own location preferences like Home Assistant does so each person could decide for themselves what is adequate location accuracy for our preferences/tolerance and require multiple pings within a certain radius before it triggers. There are potential solutions, I’m just saying it is complicated and risky, and that’s why it may not be a simple immediate addition.

Still, I would love this too! I actually do this in Home Assistant right now using a ratGDO device and location considerations where I am able to set my own thorough conditions so there aren’t false triggers based on location like I was talking about above. It would be cool if Wyze figures out a more simple solution to do this too. :slight_smile: Just thought I’d share my knowledge on the complications involved since I recently learned about it all so I could set this up for myself in Home Assistant. :+1:

I tried location once, it drained my phone battery in like 6 hours, so useless feature as far as I’m concerned.

I LOVE location depending on how it is implemented. The difficulty for an app developer is determining which kind of location to use, including whether to force high accuracy, what interval and all sort of things like that. Hard to suit everyone’s needs/preferences. I don’t use it with Wyze now because I don’t know what kind of location settings they use.

I would prefer we are given options like the Home Assistant companion app allows. If that was resolved so people could set their own location preferences for accuracy, frequency, or just updating every 15 min or so when the phone OS sensors update anyway, that would make it a great option, but I think all of that needs to be considered in order to make it a great rule feature.

I don’t think they will do that though, because 1) Almost no apps give you those options either 2) lots of people would just be more confused and not understand any of the options. So it’s easier to just do it the way they did like everyone else does.

Yeah I mean only with the Wyze app, it drains the battery, runs the GPS non stop even when the screen is off. Phone is hot in your pocket. I use it with other stuff fine.

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Would like to be able to set rule to turn Infrared (IR) emitters on/off at sunset and sunrise, to avoid glare cause by nearby streetlight. Also would like to establish rule to turn notification on/off when at home or away.


Action for any doorbell but selfishly the Wyze doorbell v2: do not disturb mode.

Related to being able to disable the chime on the actual doorbell but not exactly the same.

Use case: every parent that wants to automatically put the doorbell in dnd mode at specific times of day/exit dnd mode at specific times of day so the doorbell chime (either on the video doorbell or wired into the house) don’t ring when they are sleeping/napping.


Currently, the garage door will open/close as an Action but not as a Device and Service Trigger. Example, when garage door is open, stop x camera notifications.

When I am working in the garage, my garage camera, driveway camera, and doorbell camera go crazy with notifications because I’m working in the garage. if the garage door is open, it’d be nice to be able to trigger turning off other notifications (I already receive a notification when the garage door is open so I would know when it is being opened unexpectedly).

I like the intruder alarm on the doorbell but I don’t want it for a chime all the time. Would be nice to be able to select that to alarm if one of my outside cam sirens goes off.

This would be great for cams in kid rooms. My son gets woken up by the sound of the click from the IR auto-switching on and off as lighting changes (cars driving by, etc.), so if I could schedule it instead of having it on auto, that would be perfect. As an interim solution, I just have his set to IR on all the time, which isn’t great during the day, but it gets the job done.

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I voted for this topic a while back, because there are already some great ideas on the list of suggestions. I’d like to add another: Make the doorbell chime ring.

I sort of suggested this in another topic:

Now I’m thinking of a different use case: Say you have a doorbell mounted in a protected alcove that would have minimal chance of seeing random motion. Say you receive deliveries here but can’t for the life of you get the delivery folk to actually push your doorbell button. Maybe you want the doorbell to ring inside your house as a consequence of person or generic motion detection.

I don’t know if something like this would be technically possible, particularly with the Video Doorbell v2, which can use the house’s built-in chime. I don’t know if it’s necessary for a physical button press to complete the circuit and make the doorbell chime ring or if it’s possible to send a signal down the wire without the button press, but I’m just tossin’ this out as an ask in case it is possible.

Other possible use cases were suggested in a different topic:

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Any way to hook up the doorbell chime with other cameras, motion sensors, etc.?
For example, if a camera detects a person in my backyard, and I’m home but not expecting anyone to be lurking about, it would be nice to be notified with a doorbell chime.

I didn’t see a way to trigger the chime (or the doorbell for that matter).
Any ideas on this? If it helps, I’m asking about the Doorbell Pro.

@rbhateja At the suggestion of @crease (thanks!), I’ve moved your post over to this topic and added your request to the list at the top (it’s the very last one under General).

Please be sure to scroll up to the top and VOTE.

You may also want to hop over to The Rule Team would like you to vote on some Rule Actions and comment there as well as put in your votes.

My security, my choice. Stop imposing your concerns on us, Wyse. Give us the option to open our garage on our terms.


I’d like to see a previous state rule be added for bulbs. Its possible though that ‘Activate a lighting Scene’ could do what wanting to accomplish. What I’m trying to do is that using a door sensor, change the color and brightness when closed and return to previous color and brightness when opened.

Please add Open Garage action. I need to open multiple doors at once and it really sucks that you have to manually open each camara to trigger them one by one.

“Security” as an excuse doesn’t really cut it. Why implement the “Close” action then because it might crush someone #safetyfirst (Please don’t read the last sentence and remove that action as well).

I’m thinking of installing another solution on top of Wyze just so that I can trigger all garages at once.