Add 3rd option for power loss recovery - turn lights off

It would be nice to have an option to default turn the lights off when power is restored in the power loss recovery options for the bulbs. My lights always turn on after I lose power even though I have it set to maintain previous state and the previous state is off.

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I like this idea. It would make this already implemented feature come full circle with it’s options set. Nice!


The ability to select a scene would be great.

I would like to see a toggle state option.

I.e lights were off, now they are on. Lights were on, now they are off. It’d let me use my wall switch if my phone isn’t nearby and/or alexa isn’t cooperating.

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A toggle state would be great!

You could flip the switch off and on, and the bulb would toggle its state but would still have power for smart functions

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Great suggestion. You have my vote!

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I totally agree. Maintain current state does not work. If there is a turn on option, I would think there should be a turn off option.

Sometime after 9am today, I found my two Wyse v2 bulbs :bulb: :bulb: on at 100%. Normally they are set to come on at dusk and turn off after 1am.

These lights were in the OFF position but when power reset, the lights turned on. Apparent leave at previous state does not work. I would like to have the ability to force off.

I can see two instances when this use case is desired. (1) Power outage occurs when light is scheduled to be on to have light turn off till next turn on time. (2) Power outage occurs when light is scheduled to be off to have light turn off.

At least, please give us an option.

(I have two other brand name lights on UPS and encountered no such issue. My two Wyze v2 bulbs are not near a UPS.)

Maintain Previous State does NOT work.

Voted :white_check_mark: