Ability to mute live stream to the shared camera

2nd request without acknowledgement from developers whether yay or nay

When sharing a camera we should have the ability to decide sharing video only or video and sound.

I want to share my cameras with family members but only the video portion to maintain my privacy.

Please developers is this doable?



Hi - I have the same issue. I have a cam pointed at the cage of a squirrel I am rehabbing and have shared it with my mother. I have turned off all options for sound that I can find in the app, yet she says she can still hear me and my husband talking. I want to be able to MUTE the sound when sharing the camera, as the squirrel (Chloe) is always doing something fun - but sometimes we are having what we thought was a private conversation. I don’t want my 82 year old mother listening in while watching the 'Chloe Cam". Is there a way to make this happen??? PLease - sometimes we argue and I would rather she did not hear us.


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Echoing the sentiments above. I have three Wyze v2’s that are all in window sills pointed outside that I am sharing with family, but do not want to share private conversations/bedroom activities/etc. Can anyone at Wyze comment if sharing video only is on the radar at all? If not this is enough to cause me to switch vendors or maybe try to physically destroy the mic. Thanks!

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What an egregious and glaring omission. How could no one have thought it would be bad to allow anyone to listen in whenever they log into your live stream? I was going to buy 5 of these cameras but will now return the one I bought simply because of this. Very disappointing considering so many other good things about this cam and app.