I admit it. I’m a WYZE addict. I’ve got more Wyze devices than I can count (and many more than my Wife thinks I have). And more Wyze devices are enroute.
I think it’s important to keep track of which device is which.
I know, on the DEVICE INFO page, I can look at the ACTIVATED date. I can also give the device a unique name.
But lately I find myself using a sharpie marker to mark numbers on the bottom of devices, particularly cameras, particularly when I add multiple cameras on the same day.
I’ve also taken to adding the number to the actual camera name “Back Yard N1,” “Back Yard N2,” etc. It soon becomes out of control.
So I was thinking (which my wife says always gets me in trouble), that it would be nice to have a short user Editable FIELD in each DEVICE INFO page for a Wyze junkie to write and store a short note to myself.
Having a short editable field would save me a bunch of money, because I wouldn’t have to buy so many Sharpie markers to write what I need to write.
Just an idea.